Hello. On 17th September I noticed my Twitch VOD and the local recordings done on OBS 27.0.1 (64 bit) were dropping frames roughly every 2 seconds or so. At first they were very minor, but in another stream they became much more apparent (as can be seen here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1153709989?t=0h19m55s). I tried different games and the issue persisted. Then I realized it was happening when using game capture. Window or monitor capture didn't have it, but they're obviously worse for streaming and recording a game so they're only a temporary band-aid. I haven't changed any setting recently except tried using different Twitch servers. I start noticing it about 1h 16m in to the vod (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1159447662?t=1h16m40s) but it gets worse later. I've attached the log file.