Tyler - I cannot say "it's twitch", and I do hope none of the mods said that, as we can't really be know why any frame dropping or disconnection is happening unless it's actually a bug in the program (and as far as our tests go so far, and as far as other people have reported, that doesn't appear to be the case, r1ch for example has been testing long duration streams under various conditions to various servers, and I myself have never had an issue when testing, so we're fairly skeptical of that being the case).
It could be happening due to any number of variables, user's connection, user's ISP, the various routing points to a server, as well as the server, so it's difficult for anyone to actually place blame beyond a reasonable doubt. Twitch is of course one of those variables, they have admittedly been gearing up for changing their network stuff lately, but we've been doing our own testing and haven't experienced any problems on our end with it.
Though unfortunately my connection is really good because I'm right next to phoenix, so it appears to be difficult for me to really have a bad connection/routing. I can't seem to get a bad connection if I try.