DroidCam Virtual Output

DroidCam Virtual Output 0.1.2


New Member
Is it possible to change to 1080x1920? I keep having black border on the side when streaming 9:16 ratio aspect video.


Only standard 16:9 output is supported. There are no plans to support other aspects as of now; the code complexity with that is pretty high, and the use-cases are more limited.
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New Member
Hi, this is not possible, yet. I expect the 2 most requested features will be (a) an autostart option, and (b) a filter to only output specific sources; will look into adding these as time permits.
Hi. I was wondering if a filter to only output specific sources had been added since this comment was left last year. I use this plug in to make my mic sound better on Tiktok and currently it captures all of the audio on my OBS but I would like for it to only capture my Microphone and one other source.


Hi @gringoloko - only 16:9.
If I can find some extra time, a Filter option will be added to only send a specific source to the camera, but supporting other resolution involves re-doing the drivers and as noted previously the complexity there makes it difficult to commit to implementing this.