DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology

DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology 6.0.0


New Member
I'm on a MAC and can't find the OBS NDI plugin. I keep getting an error message to delete it but it's not there. I unhid the files and can see the other plugins. the NDI plugin isn't there. Can anyone help?


I recently discovered this updated item in the NDI source settings. (see image below)
It really messes with Advanced Scene Switcher video matching which can never switch the scene because the video is frozen on all NDI sources by default when they are not in the current scene in OBS.

I was wondering why my scene switcher was just dead lately, but after a month I found this setting and sure enough turning 'pause' (the default) off fixed the problem with the Advanced Scene Switching.

Wouldn't it be better to have the 'pause' as an option and the live play to be the default?

I have 3 OBS sources derived from the same NDI source and all three were just dead and not switching scenes using the Adv.S.S. macro for video matching. The video matching macro has you choose a part of the video that you want it to use to measure whether the video matches, and in that selecting window, you can see that the video is frozen on any NDI source that is part of the DistroAV sources, still set to pause, and not in the current program scene in OBS. It was only when I observed this being paused, that I thought 'wait a second that video should be not paused' and looked into the NDI source, noticing this option. Not cool. I didn't know this new feature was holding me back.


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New Member
Heya all, I am starting OBS and trying to use my NDI camera. My OBS scene has no visible video/picture until i go into the camera setting of the OBS scene and change to a different cam, and then BACK to NDI. Then the picture shows. I uninstalled the previous versions of the OBS plugin. Any ideas of why this behavior persists?


Active Member
Just installed DistroAV 6.0.0 on a clean OBS 31.0.0 install. Used the NDI redist that the plugin offered in the error box stating it wasn't installed. Added two audio filters (one each on AIC and AOC).

Upon next start, OBS stalled out after initializing the first audio source; the logfile cuts off there and the UI window never opens, though the obs and two obs-webhelper processes kept running in the background and did not crash. Only way to get OBS running again was to end-task the process, delete the distroav DLL, and restart. Attaching a logfile from one of these stalled-out attempts. No crashlog available as it did not crash.


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New Member
Feature Suggestion: Multiview as a source

As my church builds its production operation, we would like to distribute the Multiview to several locations. At present I can do this only by running a second OBS, window capturing the Multiview from #1, and distributing it via the DistoAV tools as the program output. Could the tools be enhanced to allow distribution of the Multiview from the same screen where one enables and names the Program and Preview outputs?


New Member
Just installed DistroAV 6.0.0 on a clean OBS 31.0.0 install. Used the NDI redist that the plugin offered in the error box stating it wasn't installed. Added two audio filters (one each on AIC and AOC).

Upon next start, OBS stalled out after initializing the first audio source; the logfile cuts off there and the UI window never opens, though the obs and two obs-webhelper processes kept running in the background and did not crash. Only way to get OBS running again was to end-task the process, delete the distroav DLL, and restart. Attaching a logfile from one of these stalled-out attempts. No crashlog available as it did not crash.
please open a full bug report at : https://github.com/DistroAV/DistroAV/issues/new/choose

@TrinityTosaLive : this is log as a request already : https://github.com/DistroAV/DistroAV/issues/328

@gwstoni : this is most likely in the general library folder : https://github.com/DistroAV/DistroAV/wiki/OBS‐NDI-Is-Now-DistroAV#macos


New Member
I recently discovered this updated item in the NDI source settings. (see image below)
It really messes with Advanced Scene Switcher video matching which can never switch the scene because the video is frozen on all NDI sources by default when they are not in the current scene in OBS.

I was wondering why my scene switcher was just dead lately, but after a month I found this setting and sure enough turning 'pause' (the default) off fixed the problem with the Advanced Scene Switching.

Wouldn't it be better to have the 'pause' as an option and the live play to be the default?

I have 3 OBS sources derived from the same NDI source and all three were just dead and not switching scenes using the Adv.S.S. macro for video matching. The video matching macro has you choose a part of the video that you want it to use to measure whether the video matches, and in that selecting window, you can see that the video is frozen on any NDI source that is part of the DistroAV sources, still set to pause, and not in the current program scene in OBS. It was only when I observed this being paused, that I thought 'wait a second that video should be not paused' and looked into the NDI source, noticing this option. Not cool. I didn't know this new feature was holding me back.
This was a behavior that wasn't detected during the multi-week of RC testing.

Also this new default behavior is also described on the release notes ; https://github.com/DistroAV/DistroAV/releases/tag/6.0.0 with an extra link to the explanation.


New Member
Hi, does anyone know how can I change which ethernet adapter with specific IP is used in DistoAV? I have multiple ones, and i want dedicate some mainly for DistroAV, but it keeps using wrong ones with lesser speed and more latency.
On windows & Mac this is done by the NDI Access Manager, on linux it's via a config file IIRC.


New Member
Hey guys i upgraded to the newly rebranded DistroAV which turned out to be a mistake. I run a dual PC setup wit ha GoXLR. Audio setup on my gaming PC is correct and is outputting. But when loaded up the NDI source (well the DistrAV source) I am getting video but absolutely NO audio is being pushed through. Audio monitoering for the NDI Source audio mixer is on.

I am noticing that every so often the equalizer will pulsate to about half. But there is no audio being pass through only video. Nuke OBS and any directories/sub directories relating to OBS/NDI/Distro and did a fresh install to no avail. Audio just not being passed thorugh. Any fix for this?


Hey guys i upgraded to the newly rebranded DistroAV which turned out to be a mistake. I run a dual PC setup wit ha GoXLR. Audio setup on my gaming PC is correct and is outputting. But when loaded up the NDI source (well the DistrAV source) I am getting video but absolutely NO audio is being pushed through. Audio monitoering for the NDI Source audio mixer is on.

I am noticing that every so often the equalizer will pulsate to about half. But there is no audio being pass through only video. Nuke OBS and any directories/sub directories relating to OBS/NDI/Distro and did a fresh install to no avail. Audio just not being passed thorugh. Any fix for this?
Maybe you should look at the pause behavior that I mentioned a few posts before you posted. Is your NDI source set to pause when not loaded into the current scene? Mine was.


This was a behavior that wasn't detected during the multi-week of RC testing.

Also this new default behavior is also described on the release notes ; https://github.com/DistroAV/DistroAV/releases/tag/6.0.0 with an extra link to the explanation.
Probably what happened to mine, is as I was rebuilding my computer updating to Windows 11, updating everything, I was forced to recreate the NDI sources with the new NDI source option seen by everything being new. The scenes were containing the same old items because I brought the OBS folders from the old disk drive (windows 10 had failed and couldn't be revived), but the network changes or GUID values for network items such as NDI (new install, new updated also) were now in there so the NDI had to be resourced from the new network. Maybe it got set to pause at that point, because I didn't even notice it till as I said I was trying about 1 month later, to find what happened to the video selector windows in Adv.S.S. and why everything was dead in the Adv.S.S. They were definitely set to pause.


New Member
Probably what happened to mine, is as I was rebuilding my computer updating to Windows 11, updating everything, I was forced to recreate the NDI sources with the new NDI source option seen by everything being new. The scenes were containing the same old items because I brought the OBS folders from the old disk drive (windows 10 had failed and couldn't be revived), but the network changes or GUID values for network items such as NDI (new install, new updated also) were now in there so the NDI had to be resourced from the new network. Maybe it got set to pause at that point, because I didn't even notice it till as I said I was trying about 1 month later, to find what happened to the video selector windows in Adv.S.S. and why everything was dead in the Adv.S.S. They were definitely set to pause.

They're not set to PAUSE. Its set to Keep Alive. No change.


New Member
I would like to request a way to set a delay to the video OUTPUT on NDI. I am trying to synchronize NDI output video with an audio source that is not using NDI audio. I know you can easily do this for NDI inputs using "Render Delay" filters inside OBS, but I don't see anyway to delay the video program output using DistroAV.


New Member

here is a video to further demostrate what is going on. The EQ blips momentarily like the audio feed is there. All firewalls, etc are as it should be. Tested on different machines (2 notebooks) on a seperate VLAN on my network with no firewall rules and same issues occur.


New Member
Hi, I'm kind of new with the OBS Pluggin and I found a cool video online that showed how to use OBS and Microsoft Teams via NDI tech.

I would like to know if some of you did it and what do I need to make it work? Do I need the DistroAV AND the NDI 6.0 installed or the DistroAV only will make it work? I also made sure that the NDI parameter was activated on the Teams admin center, so this part is done.



New Member

I have a question for you. I use the DistroAV plugin with OBS. There is a place where I stream, there I get the live image from the display with NDI. My problem is that I can only see the NDI image with wifi, and not with ethernet. Why is this? The IP address is the same on both machines.

Do you have any idea why I can't see the NDI image with ethernet? Thanks!

I have a question for you. I use the DistroAV plugin with OBS. There is a place where I stream, there I get the live image from the display with NDI. My problem is that I can only see the NDI image with wifi, and not with ethernet. Why is this? The IP address is the same on both machines.

Do you have any idea why I can't see the NDI image with ethernet? Thanks!

(Emphasis mine.)

What do you mean that "the IP address is the same on both machines"? As in each machine's IP addresses? Please clarify.

That holds especially true if you have one or more computers with both ethernet and WiFi. Are the ones with WiFi talking on the same network as your ethernet connection?

The moment you introduce multiple interfaces, potentially active with multiple IP addresses, you need to give your interfaces' IP configurations. The more specific information you can give, the better.

--Katt. =^.^=


New Member
They could help me. I am working with 2 pcs on the same network, both connected by cable.
It would be something like this
A) Screen 2 pc2 -> obs pc1
B) Obs program pc1 - > webcam input pc2 -> zoom

Part A works great, but part B is giving me problems. Although everything was connected on the pc2 I don't see an image of the obs, neither on the ndi monitor nor on the input webcam. Even so, in the zoom meeting, if you hear what happens in obs.

What can be the reason for this?
I was really hoping to be able to use this system, and I can't zoom in on pc1, well I can but that would make a lot of other things more complicated.

Any idea what I can do?

A separate consultation, every time I turn off the distro program exit signal the obs crashes. What can I be doing wrong?


New Member
(Emphasis mine.)

What do you mean that "the IP address is the same on both machines"? As in each machine's IP addresses? Please clarify.

That holds especially true if you have one or more computers with both ethernet and WiFi. Are the ones with WiFi talking on the same network as your ethernet connection?

The moment you introduce multiple interfaces, potentially active with multiple IP addresses, you need to give your interfaces' IP configurations. The more specific information you can give, the better.

--Katt. =^.^=

1. Machine - connected to the internet via ethernet, from here I get the image of the display (result indicator) using ndi.

2. Machine - connected to wifi. If connected via wifi, the scoreboard updates normally, but if connected via ethernet, I can't see the image received by ndi.

According to https://whatismyipaddress.com, both devices had the same IP address.
According to https://whatismyipaddress.com, both devices had the same IP address.

What you are doing is giving us how you get your Internet IP address.

Please note that this is not what I was asking for. I was asking about your WiFi and ethernet INTERNAL addresses. For those two computers to even see each other, they cannot have the same IP address. Your whatismyipaddress.com reference at least took that bit of doubt away.

I suppose I should have clarified before asking. Most networks use what is called Network Address Translation (or NAT for short) to use plentiful internal IP addresses to allow internal devices to share one of the far scarcer Internet IP addresses.

Also if machine 2 is connected to ethernet, is it on the same network as machine 1?

Which computer is running OBS Studio?

Also, are these machines running Wndows, macOS, or Linux, or some mix thereof? That way I or anyone else can help you further because determining your IP address is different under these system at the OS level.

--Katt. =^.^=