Funny thing happened when I attempted the 're-install' solution for a second time... I noticed that when OBS launched it displayed the modal request for updating privacy settings... first a window for keylogging, and then a window for updating screen recording privacy settings... Since I had successfully granted microphone permissions, I suspect that in my first install attempt I saw this window and not the others. In my first re-install attempt I didn't notice the keylogging windows and screen recording windows. So I didn't see OB listed in the Privacy Settings for screen recording. In my second re-install I noticed that these windows appeared and then were covered up by the main OBS window covering the screen. Using keyboard shortcuts to switch between application windows did not switch over to the privacy settings request modals, and it's only when I got. a whole view of all windows on all apps currently running that I saw the two modals. And that's how I got them to request my system for privacy permissions.