By the way ... if you have ideas for the plugin then post'em here. If I find it useful and immediately know how to implement the feature then I'll probably do. Otherwise I'll create a ticket at codeplex and implement it later.
Build 3 was downloaded 20 times and no one is complaining. drunkkidsgaming & Icewave find the plugin useful. So I guess everything is fine ^^?
I hope that people who had problems with the plugin not showing anything don't have that problem anymore. Switching from IRC.NET to SmartIrc4Net was the best thing I could do, because IRC.NET wasn't reliable. There still are issues, like the loading time until every user is loaded and all modes are set, but I guess it's no different from other IRC clients. Also, be aware that there a IRC channels on twitch that are subscribers only. If you don't use a subscriber account you won't be able to get mesages from that chat.
If you want to see the plug in in action then
visit my channel and write something into the chat :D.
I'll be streaming today. I guess 11.30am to ~1pm CET. I'll start with Super Mario 3D World. I may change my mind later on to Tales of Xillia or Final Fantasy VIII.
I don't talk in my streams since I don't live alone and just don't want to annoy my girlfriend :).