Desert Kharon IRC Plugin

sickbattery said:
I'll test SmartIrc4net ... IRC.NET seems abandoned and SmartIrc4Net had two commits in November 2013, so I guess it's a better choice ... we will see :D.

Works great and is very stable. Desert Kharon IRC stays alive :D !!
I'm sorry, but it was really a pain yesterday :). I'll compile the source today.

OMG -_- ... just had to fix a bug in SmartIrc4Net. But it's still good. Everything is fine. Everything is fine ... lol.

Ok, everything looks fine. I'll now work on the performance of the plugin because "vertical align" sows down OBS to 15 fps ... with outline to 5 fps :D ...
Test Build 1 is online.
Grab it here:

Known Bug:
Connection test button does nothing. However, the application works. If you input correct login credentials the chat will show up.

Change Log:
  • GDI+ Rendering Turbo implemented ;). (I'm talking about up to 30 times faster rendering then before.)
  • IRC.NET replaced by SmartIrc4Net
  • Fixed OBS haning at stopping stream (preview). Bug was introduced by SmartIrc4Net.
  • Line wrapping added.
  • UI changes.



New Member
wow this is absolutely amazing, the text is so crisp and clean and I no longer lose screen area cropping out a chat window then chromaing. thank you so much.


New Member
Many streamers will benefit from this.Battery, make sure to leave a donation link of some sort so people can buy you a drink.
drunkkidsgaming said:
wow this is absolutely amazing, the text is so crisp and clean and I no longer lose screen area cropping out a chat window then chromaing. thank you so much.
You are welcome :).

Icewave said:
Many streamers will benefit from this.Battery, make sure to leave a donation link of some sort so people can buy you a drink.
I'll think about that :).

Here comes Test Build 3:
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Probably a bug fix for crash when reopening the font dialog after an awkward font was selected.
  • Login tab validation.
  • Typos fixed. ... iew/116118
By the way ... if you have ideas for the plugin then post'em here. If I find it useful and immediately know how to implement the feature then I'll probably do. Otherwise I'll create a ticket at codeplex and implement it later.

Build 3 was downloaded 20 times and no one is complaining. drunkkidsgaming & Icewave find the plugin useful. So I guess everything is fine ^^?

I hope that people who had problems with the plugin not showing anything don't have that problem anymore. Switching from IRC.NET to SmartIrc4Net was the best thing I could do, because IRC.NET wasn't reliable. There still are issues, like the loading time until every user is loaded and all modes are set, but I guess it's no different from other IRC clients. Also, be aware that there a IRC channels on twitch that are subscribers only. If you don't use a subscriber account you won't be able to get mesages from that chat.

If you want to see the plug in in action then visit my channel and write something into the chat :D.

I'll be streaming today. I guess 11.30am to ~1pm CET. I'll start with Super Mario 3D World. I may change my mind later on to Tales of Xillia or Final Fantasy VIII.

I don't talk in my streams since I don't live alone and just don't want to annoy my girlfriend :).
Sapiens said:
"There are no downloads associated with this release."


*facepalm* ._. ... I just uploaded the file. Sorry :D. ... iew/116118

I don't know what happend -.- .. but I just noticed that I messed up my posts, too -_- ...

I re-edited my posts (I still had a browser with the original message open) .. and here is the important part:
me said:
By the way ... if you have ideas for the plugin then post'em here. If I find it useful and immediately know how to implement the feature then I'll probably do. Otherwise I'll create a ticket at codeplex and implement it later.


New Member
Hmm thats odd, the program is seen and connects, but I see no text.

Net framework 4^ and directx11 are installed.

Running on 64bit got me this:

16:51:21: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
16:51:21: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
16:51:21: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() failed to retrieve exported types in assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin: 0x80131602
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly DesertKharonIrcPlugin
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: DesertKharonIrcPlugin.DesertKharonIrcPlugin, Name: Desert Kharon Irc]
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly IrcDotNet
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() no valid plugin types found in assembly IrcDotNet
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly Meebey.SmartIrc4net
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() no valid plugin types found in assembly Meebey.SmartIrc4net
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly MumbleOverlayPlugin
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: MumbleOverlayPlugin.MumbleOverlayPlugin, Name: Mumble Overlay Plugin]
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly StarkSoftProxy
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() no valid plugin types found in assembly StarkSoftProxy
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly TwitchChatPlugin
16:51:21: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: TwitchChatPlugin.TwitchChatPlugin, Name: Twitch Chat]
16:51:21: Video Source Plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 38 strings
16:51:41: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings
16:51:41: Video Source Plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings

Any ideas?
Finally someone posting a log :D ...

I'll have a look at this tomorrow, because I have to go to bed right now, I'm really tired ...

What I can see is that the CLRBrowserSourcePlugin has a problem? And also I read about a new version of the CLR Host comming with the Browser Source plug in? I#m not sure ... I'll look at it tomorrow ...

... did you download the CLR Host plug in from the page I link or came the CLR Host with an other plug in?
Ok. I have found the bug. ... I mean feature.

IRC is case sensitive on channel names. Twitch seems to use lower case nicknames for channel naming. You probably are using upper case letters in Desert Kharon's channel name.

It never occured to me because I have developed a love for lower case nicknames :D ... I always use sickbattery instead of Sickbattery. Now I know why it's not working for my brother ... actually I tested this with his channel. A long time ago I already thought about case sensitivity, but I didn't follow this as in Desert Kharon I often compare with my own IsLike string extension which compares case insensitive and trimms starting and ending white spaces ... ... didn't think IRC was case sensitive :/ ... (I'm someone who is writing an IRC plugin and has no idea about IRC oO.)

I'm going to fix this with a comment and a little bit of extra handling for twitch's preset, because maybe ppl want to join a channel with upper case letters ...
sickbattery said:
I'm going to fix this with a comment and a little bit of extra handling for twitch's preset, because maybe ppl want to join a channel with upper case letters ...

Ok. ... I'm going to force lower case when the preset is selected. People don't read :D ... you have to force them :D. They can still override this behavior by using the custom preset.
New test build! I hope it'll ensure correct settings.

Test Build 4 - Change Log:
  • UI changes.
  • Stricter preset. (Fixes: No messages showing up.) ... iew/116157

Thanks Icewave for helping me with this. I always thought it had something to do with a wrong CLR Host version or just some .NET problem because there was no Exception thrown ... I just didn't know where to start searching. The bug would probably still exist if you didn't post.

I just verified with my brother that the bug has been fixed (on his machine), it didn't work on his neither, but ... he doesn't keep his machin up to date so ... I don't know, I always gave his machine the fault :D ...

Edit again ...
If you hat the problem with no messages showing up: You have to open up the config window and click OK to overwrite what was in your config before.


New Member
I still dont get it on my plugins list or the ability to configure. My log is as follows.

11:40:23: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
11:40:23: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
11:40:23: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly DesertKharonIrcPlugin
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: DesertKharonIrcPlugin.DesertKharonIrcPlugin, Name: Desert Kharon Irc]
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly Meebey.SmartIrc4net
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() no valid plugin types found in assembly Meebey.SmartIrc4net
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly StarkSoftProxy
11:40:23: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() no valid plugin types found in assembly StarkSoftProxy
11:40:27: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings

This is using test 4 on OBS x64 (windows 8.1 x64) and CLR from here

It appears to be more of a problem with CLR but I followed that install guide perfectly.
Ok. I'm sorry. I'll have a look at it tomorrow as it's already evening in germany.

... would you zip your OBS folder and upload it somewhere so I can download it? I'd like to debug a not working version. Of course you should remove config files or any personal data etc. As it's always working for me and I'm just using standard .NET ... ... I just don't know what's going wrong. If I could debug your version it would help a lot, I guess.


New Member
No problems this is a great program. I can help you debug no problem. do you just want the main directory? or do you want app data etc too?