OBSCommand is a command line tool and does not have a program window, it depends on how you start it if you see a console or not.
Try choosing "minimized" or "hidden" if you have that options in the app you are using to start OBSCommand.
If that's not an option, there are workarounds like this:
1. Create a file in notepad, name it "OBScmdHidden.vbs" and place it next to OBSCommand.exe
2. Copy and paste this 8 lines of vbscript code (or use the attached file):
Dim WShell
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For Index = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
Arguments = Arguments & " " & WScript.Arguments(Index)
Arguments = Replace(Arguments,"'","""")
WShell.Run "OBSCommand.exe " & Arguments, 0
Set WShell = Nothing
3. Now instead of directly using OBSCommand.exe you call OBSHidden.vbs like this:
wscript OBScmdHidden.vbs /scene=MyScene /startrecording /setvolume=Music,100,50
Note: If you have values that contain spaces, use apostrophes ( ' ) to encapsulate them like this:
wscript OBScmdHidden.vbs /scene='My Scene' /startrecording /setvolume='My Music',100,50