capture audio from a single application stops working after application-restart


New Member
First I was happy to read that finally, the Mac-Version of OBS is able to capture desktop audio and even audio of a single application without additional software (as you can read here:

Unfortunatley there seems to be a bug (or I am doing something wrong). If I capture audio of a single application (for example "Spotify") via the new version of "Window Capture" or "Application Capture", everything works fine right after I have set up the source. BUT if I close Spotify and open it up again, only desktop audio is capturing sound (via "display capture"). "Window capture" and "application capture" stops capturing audio. Only fix so far is to go to the source settings, select another application/window and then switch back to spotify.

Am I doing something wrong? Do you guys have the same wrong behavior or is it just me? If so, hopefully it can be fixed in a next update :)

I am running Ventura 13.3 und OBS 29.0.2