Bad YouTube Streaming quality despite high Bitrate at 1080p....


New Member
I've been trying to test out my Streams on YT and I can't find a solution to my problem.
When nothing is moving the Picture is crisp and fine, but as soon as something is slightly moving it gets all blurry and pixalated,
U can even see the after image in the picture slideshows...
But it looks perfectly fine on Twitch.
I tried looking for all sorts of solutions, but they all just say to pump up the Bitrate.

Screenshot 2022-08-23 042616.png

I literally tried everything:
-downscale Res
-change FPS
-Tried all sorts of Bitrates: 50kbps - 50000 kbps
- Changed Keyframe interval
.... and so on but couldn't find a solution

The only way I could get a good image was upscaling to 1440p,
but I don't get how others can stream at 1080p with a good res but I can't???

My Upload is at around 33 mbits/s
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700x
GPU: GTX 1080
RAM: 16 GB

OBS Settings:

Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC H.264 (new)
Rate Control: CBR
Bitrate: 10000 Kbps
Keyframe Interval: 2
Preset: MAx Quality
Profile: high
Psycho Visual Tuning: Check
Max B-Frames: 2

Screenshot 2022-08-23 042056.png

Video Settings:
Base: 1920x1080
Output: 1920x1080
Downscl. Filter: Lanczos (36 samples)
FPS: 60

Screenshot 2022-08-23 042317.png