Automate live stream (start and stop)


New Member

Can i start and stop livestream automatic by scheduling my stream in multiple mode ?

I read many articles about obs parameters but all of them did not mentioned any command about stop streaming automatically .

I have successfully used start live streaming in multiple mode using “task scheduler” app in windows but how i can end streaming then close the specific profile if there are many OBS running in the same time without stop and close other running obs profiles


Active Member
I have successfully used start live streaming in multiple mode using “task scheduler” app in windows but how i can end streaming then close the specific profile if there are many OBS running in the same time without stop and close other running obs profiles
You might want to look at the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin. Its settings are in the Scene Collection, so you'll need a separate one of those for each instance if you don't already. Then you'll need to find or make an appropriate trigger for each one to respond to: hotkeys, websockets, audio volume, video content match, system time, etc.

If you're using websockets, keep in mind that there can only be one WS server for OBS on each machine, and the first copy of OBS grabs it. So to make all of them equal, I'd have a non-OBS websocket server of some kind (Node-RED, perhaps?), and have everything else connect to that.

Once you have that, you can move all of your automation into Adv. SS just to have it all in one place. Drop the command-line flags to start streaming, and have Adv. SS do that instead. That gives you the opportunity to set things up first, before the stream starts, all automatically.

You might have some difficulty though, in closing OBS from Adv. SS. I use the Run action to call a script, outside of OBS, that then finds and closes the one instance that my rig uses, but that's probably not going to work for you. You might ask for that feature in this thread: