Aitum Vertical

Aitum Vertical 1.5.1


New Member

I have a problem: I can't record the vertical Replay Buffer, unless I use a dedicated shortcut.
When I save the "main" (desktop) replay buffer manually (by clicking to the save button), or when I use the Stream Deck to do it, or when I use an action in, it only records the "main" replay buffer, not the vertical one.

Is there a way to sync the two replay buffer to save both at the same time, without having to use a shortcut? (I try to get ride of all my shortcuts)

Thank you for your help. :)


New Member
This may have been reported already, apologies if there already a known solution for this:
  1. From the Verical dock, I hit "Vertical virtual camera"
  2. Then go to my other software and enable "OBS Virtual Camera" as the source, and output is as expected, the Vertical Scene I have selected on the Vertical dock.
  3. I end my test and click again on the "Vertical virtual camera" icon to stop it.
  4. Later same day, I try to go Live, and attempt to use the default/Stock "Start Virtual Camera" from OBS Controls dock.
  5. Select OBS Virtual Camera as the output of choice on the web browser i intent to use to show my scenes, but the output is still the vertical scene used earlier that day. Any scene on my regular OBS scene collection (Non Veritical) show up in a vertical output (cropped to the since of the vertical canvas, not distorted).

Restarted OBS and the browser that displayed the behavior, no success
Restarted PC, no success.
After a few hours, (as I'm writing this) restarted OBS one more time, and the output is now corrected to Horizontal/Landscape mode.

Not sure what at all fixed it, but makes me worried about useing the Vertical Vitual Camera since I don't know how to rever it back easily to horizontal output once the Vertical Virtual Camera is no in use anymore.


Active Member
@BearClaymore make sure you start the virtual camera you want before you start the application that is going to use it.
The resolution is stored in %appdata%\obs-virtualcam.txt if you want verify it


New Member
Aitum submitted a new resource:

Aitum Vertical - Separate canvas to manage your vertical content

Read more about this resource...
i have been streaming on Instagram using OBS, my streaming Bitrates are set to 6000kps and QUALITY OF 1080P 30fps with internet speed of 30mbps upload speed but in the Instagram video it seems to not have a HD Quality and on event log it shows the video bitrates is 246kbps...Can you fix this


New Member
1. Since I installed the Aitum plugins (Multistream & Vertical), OBS crashes 9 times out of 10 when closing, displaying the message “OBS quit unexpectedly.” The Aitum plugins were the first ones I installed; I didn’t have any other plugins before. After restarting OBS, the “Properties” and “Filters” buttons, as well as right-click functionality, stop working. I have to close and reopen OBS again, but OBS crashes on closure, creating a never-ending cycle. I have to repeat this process several times until OBS finally closes correctly without any error messages.

2. When I stream in vertical format on Instagram and Facebook simultaneously, the video sometimes stops on Instagram, and I am forced to start a new stream. However, when I copy and paste the new stream key, it stops the stream on Facebook, even though it was still running.

3. When I resize the OBS window, the Aitum Vertical tab doesn’t resize correctly within it.

I don’t know where it comes from, but it’s to inform the developers.



New Member
@Exeldro , First of all, thank you for replying to me.

I installed the new OBS 31.0 version. The Aitum Vertical plugin seems to be causing issues. I disabled all plugins and re-enabled them one by one to identify the problematic one. Hundreds of lines appear every second and repeat endlessly in the log file (it’s never-ending). Here’s a copy of the log; only the Aitum Vertical plugin is active, and no other plugins are loaded in OBS.


  • OBS 31.0 LOG - 2024-12-10 16-32-02.txt
    79.2 KB · Views: 19


New Member
@Exeldro : Huge thanks to you for this ultra-quick fix! It indeed resolves the endless error message loop in the log file with OBS 31.0. It also works correctly in OBS 30.2.3.

The Vertical dock doesn’t resize properly when adjusting the width of the OBS window, but it does resize correctly when adjusting the height of the window. I’m not sure if this is an OBS issue or a plugin issue.

Unfortunately, OBS 31.0 is unusable because it’s buggy, even without any plugins. After investigating, selecting YouTube as the streaming service consistently triggers the “OBS quit unexpectedly” error message on startup and makes the interface buggy as long as OBS doesn’t close properly.

Thanks again for your response and your effort to provide a solution!


New Member
After further research and with the help of @yam on the OBS Discord (#macos-support), it turns out that the YouTube dock is the source of the issue. By closing it, I no longer experience the crash when closing OBS (even though it’s inconvenient).

I then retested the Aitum Vertical plugin, and everything works correctly, but I get this red message in the log file when opening OBS.

"" 23:47:06.573: os_dlopen(obs-frontend-api-> dlopen(, 0x0105): tried: '' (relative path not allowed in hardened program), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/' (no such file), '/Applications/OBS' (no such file), '/Applications/OBS' (no such file), '/usr/lib/' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '' (relative path not allowed in hardened program) ""

I’m not sure if it’s normal, but I’m posting it here in case it’s useful. (
Last edited:


New Member
I am struggling with Media Source Audio in OBS + Atium Vertical Plugin. Using audio from a Media Source, just doesnt play through the stream or recording. I went already through the different Monitor settings and tipps in other posts, I can monitor it but still nothing on stream/recording. BUT in the "main" (landscape) view, the recording works fine with the audio!

macOS Sequoia 15.1.1
OBS: 31.0.0
Atium Vertical: 1.5.1


Aitum updated Aitum Vertical with a new update entry:

Version 1.5.1

  • Requires OBS 30
  • Added new NVENC encoder support (OBS 31)
  • Added hotkeys for pause, unpause, split recording, chapter marker
  • Added file split settings
  • Fixed codesigning for macOS
  • Fixed restarting streams issue when new settings set (via Aitum Multistream)
  • Fixed crash when destroying view
  • Fix for mac and linux OBS 31
  • Added Bengali Language (rez1coder)

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hello. First of all, thank you very much for this plugin. This is absolute gold piece.

I have a question. Is there a way to chain (or connect) scenes from OBS to Vertical together to switch them at same time via Stream Deck? I have made scenes for multi-stream to Vertical and classic landscape stream and I want to switch them always at the same time. Thank you.


New Member
@Bartyx On the "Vertical Scenes" section, you can right click on a scene then go to "Linked Scenes" and select the landscape scene(s) you want.
When you will show the landscape scene(s), it will show the linked vertical scene at the same time.


New Member
this guy deletes random threads under the suggestions channel in his discord and then when you confront him about, hhe bans you off of his server....all the more reason to stick to least restream let's you change titles WITHIN the plugin OMEGALUL


New Member
Yeterday, after about 44 minutes of perfect vertical streaming on Instagram, the stream froze.
The status of the Vertical dock was online with the time frozen.
I tried stopping and restarting with no success. The time was blocked and the stream was frozen.
Instagram was reporting the stream active...

One detail is that I had wifi and ethernet connection both active.
The normal OBS stream (to never stopped)

Can someone help?
Thanks in advance!
Here it is the logo the start of the stream and the freezing:

18:27:00.197: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
18:27:03.241: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] Connection to rtmps:// (2a03:2880:f074:17:face:b00c:0:1411) successful
18:31:52.093: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main'
18:37:44.875: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main 2'
18:39:53.270: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main'
18:45:34.463: adding 92 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 208 milliseconds (source: Background planets)
18:50:54.754: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main 2'
18:51:02.767: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main 3'
18:52:33.307: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main 2'
18:54:43.426: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main'
19:00:03.028: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main 2'
19:06:26.451: User switched to scene 'Orizontal Main'
19:09:51.548: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -30848. GetSockError(): 0 (unknown error)
19:09:51.549: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] RTMP_ReadPacket error: 0
19:09:51.549: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] Disconnected from rtmps://
19:09:51.549: Output 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram': stopping
19:09:51.549: Output 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram': Total frames output: 76983
19:09:51.549: Output 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram': Total drawn frames: 76438 (77142 attempted)
19:09:51.549: Output 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 704 (0.9%)
19:09:51.550: Output 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram': Reconnecting in 2.00 seconds..
19:09:51.550: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 4/77049 (0.0%)
19:09:53.940: [VideoToolbox vertical_canvas_video_encoder: 'h264']: session created with hardware encoding
19:09:53.974: [VideoToolbox vertical_canvas_video_encoder: 'h264']: settings:
19:09:53.974: vt_encoder_id
19:09:53.974: rate_control: ABR
19:09:53.974: bitrate: 6000 (kbps)
19:09:53.974: quality: 0.600000
19:09:53.974: fps_num: 30
19:09:53.974: fps_den: 1
19:09:53.974: width: 1080
19:09:53.974: height: 1920
19:09:53.974: keyint: 2 (s)
19:09:53.974: limit_bitrate: off
19:09:53.974: rc_max_bitrate: 2500 (kbps)
19:09:53.974: rc_max_bitrate_window: 1.500000 (s)
19:09:53.974: hw_enc: on
19:09:53.974: profile: high
19:09:53.974: codec_type: h264
19:09:53.975: ---------------------------------
19:09:53.976: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'vertical_canvas_audio_encoder'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: stereo, track: 1
19:09:53.977: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://
19:09:55.147: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -30848. GetSockError(): 0 (unknown error)
19:09:55.148: [rtmp stream: 'vertical_canvas_stream_Instagram'] Connection to rtmps:// failed: -3
19:09:55.148: [Vertical Canvas] stream stop error -3


New Member
@Bartyx On the "Vertical Scenes" section, you can right click on a scene then go to "Linked Scenes" and select the landscape scene(s) you want.
When you will show the landscape scene(s), it will show the linked vertical scene at the same time.
Do you know if there's a way to link the scene transitions in a similar fashion? I have my horizontal and vertical scenes linked the way I want. I also want to be able to link the transition effects so they are the same both vertically & horizontally when switching scenes. Thanks in advance for your help.

Smart Net

Shame on Me! using this briliant plugin years but cannot install it to multiple instances. EXE is going only to the main directory.
Anyone, please support how to install Aitum Vertical to the multiple OBSs locations. Thanks!