Question / Help 720p Encoding seems to work better on PS4 Share service?


New Member
Hi i'm trying to optimize my stream and wanted to get down to results which might are compressed as the PS4s Streams. I noticed very little to none lag when using the share service with almost no frame drops at 720p, 30 fps with my 1.85 Mbp/s ethernet connection. So what's going on their is it doing some black magic? Currently on my PC i fiddled arround with my settings and i use a 480p, 30 fps solution with the keyframe interval set to 2 and a bitrate of 2000 and main as preset. My canvas size, is the same (now it's 1080p canvas scaled down to 480p as output) and i still experince a lot of dropped frames (now i don't anymore due to the help of Harold, and his tip to use a lower bitrate), my PC certainly can keep up and doesn't throttle i use the x264 encoding over my CPU.

Here are my system specs.
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New Member
You're trying to fit 2.16mbit on a 1.85mbit pipe. It doesn't work.
Okay, but can you tell me which magic compressing happens could i achive similar results in OBS? Which settings would i need, if run on a bitrate of 1800 and use the recommended settings by twitch for encoding my livestream. The image still appears "blocky" on stream, so is the only way for me now to increase the pipesize and get a better upload speed to stream on my PC in 720p without having a choppy image? =I

To get a better glimpse of what i mean look at this stream of mine.


Active Member
Reduce your bitrate to 1500 and use x264 as your encoder, with a preset of somewhere between "faster" and "medium"


New Member
Yeah i noted that from the first comment. 1600 Bitrate is fine on 480p, but you avoid my question....
Their must be some compression going on otherwise i wouldn't be able to stream at 720p on my PS4 with no issues.
Is it possible to use other encoders then the once given by your hardware like NVEC, H.264 / AMD, and x264.


Active Member
The only ones available to you are the ones offered in the settings. Other ones aren't supported.
x264 gives the best quality per bitrate. You actually avoid my recommendations.


New Member
And you still avoid my original question? Are you trolling?
I'm currently using the recommendations as i told you before. Just that i ignored your tip for turning down the encoding just because i don't know how much resources OBS really needs atm so instead of dealing with another stream with a high % of dropped frames i left it on veryfast. To not overload the CPU in tense situation which i have yet to encounter. I have played different games to test it out such as Forza Horizon 3 a really GPU intensive game as expected couldn't see any slowdowns.

And i also ignored your suggestion for using the 1500 bitrate as i know when calculating my connection which is over ethernet consistently 1.85 Mbp/s that i can use a bitrate of 1600 with 2 audio-lines 1 being 96 Kbp/s and the second one being 128 Kbp/s of 1824 Kbp/s. And maximize the quality i can stream without having stutter or dropping frames for my stream. Or in any other way like with fragmentation ruin the experince for my viewers. In other words i'm not gonna go lower in bitrate if it will only give me a slight puffer which i don't need while playing, as with connecting to a server i usally don't upload much data but only download information of the gameservers.

And on PUBG a CPU intensive game (where i expected my CPU to run into issues) didn't notice any slowdown in-game or on playback via mobile device live, or in the recording. Should i show you screenshots before you belive me that i haven't ignored your recommendations? But that's not the point, their still must be something either hardware related or software related be better on the PS4 or otherwise i wouldn't have been able to stream at 720 with a almost loseless image.

Not everybody copys 1 to 1 the recommendations of others as they are vague estimates. You can't go arround telling everybody with a 1.85 Mbp/s connection use this bitrate. That's not how it works each person has a different connection* to the host he's connecting and each service provider for livestreams has differnt locations of servers with differnt loads of people using these servers.

Let's say for example 80**% of the questions on OBS forums might be related to livestreaming gaming but now 20% actually stream onto mixer, or run a livestream somewhere on a almost unknown hosting service. Those people would fiddle arround in their settings turning crazy because you told them to do that. And they might think they did something wrong, but it's just the service-provider or server they're connecting to.

Please ask for more detailed information if you provide help for other people in the future just a suggestion!
And don't go arround treating people like they wouldn't listen to you that's kinda rude.

* Like over Ethernet or Wi-Fi
** This is just a guess
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New Member
I guess i found the answer i have been looking for encoding preset high (which is 720p) on the PS4
Bitrates for PS4 streaming quality presets?

Barkode said:
The bandwidth used by the PS4 for Twitch streaming for the Best, High, Medium, and Low settings are 1500kbps, 1200kbps, 860kbps, and 520kbps respectively. Given these figures, the highest you can use with a 1Mbps limit would be Medium, and that's also assuming there aren't any other people/devices other than your PS4 sucking much of that limit.
The biggest difference between the speeds are image resolution and sound quality; Best and High both broadcast at 960x540 image resolution and use 64kbps audio whereas Medium and Low settings broadcast at 640x360 resolution and use 32kbps sound. Unfortunately for your viewers there is a very big and noticeable drop in audio quality between 64 and 32kbps. The drop in resolution is noticeable but isn't intolerable unless someone is so used to watching everything in HD that they're too much of a quality snob to accept anything less. All four settings broadcast at 29.97fps.
For a basis of comparison, even the highest PS4 setting is only about half the upload bandwidth that a lot of PC streamers on Twitch use. In order to get a viewer's idea of what your stream may look like, your best option might be to watch some other PS4 streams and ask the users what quality setting they broadcast on until you find someone else using Medium.
Source: tech analysis article - the article contains a table with the numeric data detailed above, as well as side-by-side visual comparisons of the different quality settings when they tested them using Assassins Creed 4 on a Twitch stream.