tech support

  1. I

    OBS being open causes audio stuttering in music and youtube videos

    So recently I've been having this problem when I have OBS open where my audio stutters when doing playback of YouTube videos or music. It occurs even if OBS isn't recording or streaming. It started happening after I replaced my power supply in my computer. I went from a 750w to an 850w. I am...
  2. S

    Armored Core 6 not Capturing in Game Capture

    Problem: My game capture won't capture this game specifically, yet it seems to capture other games just fine. I tried to stream it today, but that didn't work much. It worked perfectly fine in the previous version of OBS, but I forgot which version it was. So I don't know if it's the current...
  3. IssacI69

    OBS not tonemapping my Elgato HD60 X

    hey ive been scratching my head about for a while now. I just got an HDR monitor with the Elgato HD60 X and i want to play games in hdr but I don't want to record in HDR so i'm trying to tone map it into OBS but it seems to not be working right. Ive been seeing to use a certain color space and...
  4. R

    Looking for a way to stream my OBS feed to my phone

    Does anybody know how can I maybe use a phone or a tablet as a screen to see only the live feed from OBS? I really need it.
  5. S

    Struggling with packet loss in CS2 [Only while streaming with OBS]

    Hello Everyone, So I have recently come across an issue with CS2, regarding packet loss. My game runs super fine without issue, but when i try to stream the game using OBS Studio, i get a constant packet loss of 1-2% and same for packet miss, with a jitter of 20 ish (quite new so limited...
  6. S

    Using OBS studio to stream causes in game packet loss in cs2

    Hello, So i have tried streaming cs2 and whenever i start stream i get 2-10% packet loss ingame, nothing wrong with stream or any of the pc components. I have wired connection as well as 1gb upload and download, and a pretty powerfull pc. I cant seam to figure out the issue other then when my...
  7. T

    crashing non stop

    hi guys! i was wondering if anyone could help me i didn’t have any obs issues thought i did with my audio to find out it was me, reinstalled 2x then this has started happening i haven’t changed my settings exact same installation, i can’t do anything while this is happening on obs and my...
  8. G

    OBS no quiere transmitir con el procesador.

    Hola, resulta que estuve teniendo unos problemas que antes no me pasaban, no puedo hacer una transmision en ninguna plataforma de streaming porque OBS solo quiere stremear con mi grafica (la cual no tiene codec de video). Tengo en las configuraciones de streaming y grabación el x264 que es el...
  9. A

    Accurate and local in OBS as Browser Source: Spotify Now Playing

    So I'm gonna start by admitting I am both new here in case I'm posting to the wrong section and also probably making things harder than they have to be. Mostly by trying to be more advanced than most of my streaming peers go for, but while I know using a Window Source is a viable and completely...
  10. C

    I DONT UNDERSTAND Thats my current log i dont get whats wrong my equipment is pretty top notch but i dont get why im having issues now when i havent had issues in the past two years. Encoding Overload almost the whole stream My average time to render frames is through...
  11. gothgamergoblin_ttv

    was making a new profile for recording only, went to delete and extra i had made and it deleted my main scene??

    exactly what the title says. i was making a new profile for recording only instead of streaming, and not only did it not make a new profile, but it also copied over ALL my scenes from my streaming profile. when i went to delete the test profile because it didn't do what i wanted (start a new...
  12. H

    I have no idea what's happening.

    I've been streaming for about 3 months now, with issues here and there but nothing crazy. Dropped frame rates, and skipping audio, all fixed with the encoder settings and lower resolution. Over the last few days, I would keep randomly dropping connection, just obs, with nothing else losing...
  13. W

    Low FPS when Recording in Hybrid Graphics Mode but not dGPU Only Mode

    Recently I've been using OBS instead of Shadowplay to record games due to its support for 16:10 aspect ratios and only capturing audio from certain apps. However, I've noticed that when I'm using my laptop in Hybrid mode (dGPU passes through iGPU to get to display), game recordings always look...
  14. J

    High CPU usage??

    I can't seem to figure out why I have such high cpu usage no matter what I try. I have my canvas at 1920x1080 @60 fps. I run a 2 PC setup & my streaming PC is running an i9-10850K, RTX 2080, 32 GB of ram. Please if anyone has any suggestions let me know.
  15. DioFurry

    NVENC missing completly w/GPU drivers up to date.

    Nvec isnt showing after last update, i tried with x264 but its lacking in comparation and the cpu utilization jumps to almost 100% without any games open. Is there a way to fix this/get nvenc working again? my Gpu drivers are up to date. Cpu: Ryzen 9 7900X3D Gpu: Msi RTX 2080 super...
  16. Grane1234

    Recording being lower quality and frame rate than what the settings says

    For some reason whenever I finish recording and view the video that was made, it looks like it's 720p 30fps instead of what I have it set to, being 1080p 60fps. What's even weirder is that it only started doing this recently, my past videos I made in OBS were fine and played how I wanted them...
  17. T

    Left shift and left control keybind issues.

    so. how do i unbind a key that says it's not bound but when you check it in the hotkeys it says its bound to every single action in the program? its the left shift and left control on my keyboard. whenever I hit them it turns off all my sources and sends me to a random scene.
  18. D

    My 3 Hour Long Video Only Has 58 Minutes Of Footage Saved, How Can I get It Back?

    Hello, exactly as the tittle says, I was recording a TTRPG session with one of my friends, in order to post it on yotube, however out of our nearly 3 hour long video, only 1 hour of it got recorded. Is it passible to recover the last 2 hours? And how do I stop this problem from happening again...
  19. IssacI69

    "Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete" PCM 32 Bit Float audio codec

    I've been testing out new settings for recording in OBS, and I want to use the "FFmpeg PCM (32-bit float)" audio codec in the recording, but I'm having this weird thing where when I remux the .mkv file to .mp4 in obs, I get a popup that says "Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete"...
  20. S

    SLOBS/OBS Problem, maybe the problem is the game(?)

    i started streaming not too long ago and for the first few livestreams it all went good, but then i had this problem that the game capure of obs/slobs just freezes and the program shows me that i'm live but in reality on Twitch the stream ended randomly, maybe it's the game that i'm...