obs error

  1. S

    An error I've never seen before

    Every time I download OBS, I keep getting a warning like the picture below and it keeps stopping. Please tell me why this is happening and how to fix it.
  2. L

    Various problems with OBS - Error decoding

    I keep having coding problems every now and then. To get to the bottom of this, I tried uploading the log files and found that the files are always too large. When I look at them I see the following error message: Error decoding video warning: Found EOI before any SOF, ignoring fatal: No JPEG...
  3. DamD

    No GPU driver available

    H.642 인코딩을 원하지만, 스트리밍을 시작하지 못했습니다. 출력 시작에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 확인하십시오. 참고: NVENC 또는 AMD 인코더를 사용하는 경우 비디오 드라이버가 최신인지 확인하십시오. PC CPU: amd 라이젠7 3700x GPU: 엔비디아 지포스 RTX 2070 슈퍼 GPU가 있지만 obs 비디오 인코더가 GPU를 인식하지 못합니다. 그래서 드라이버와 obs를 다시 설치했지만 여전히 문제가 지속됩니다. 로그를 분석한 결과 Microsoft Basic Render...
  4. N

    Obs Error: Error writing to (file name) , no space left on device av_interleaved_write_frame failed: -1: Operation not permitted

    Please help with this, I have been inactive on YT for a while...
  5. Z

    Recording laggy I don't find an issue

    Ive been recording using a lot of settings find on internet, i have already switch x264 for NVENC, but i got alltimes a laggy recording. Game not lagging but record yes (i don't tested the stream) My computer is new, maybe i need some handling to optimize him. My gpu and Cpu aren't at 100% in...
  6. H

    Obs disconnecting

    Hello, I come through this to inform the problem I am having with OBS. They are hiding a lot of kb / s and live disconnecting in the middle of the transmission, constantly losing frames, I already followed all the tips in the topic...
  7. D

    Question / Help OBS Encoding overloaded help?

    Sorry if the pictures are too big or too small this is my first forum post on here. I don't like recording in 720P because it gives way less quality but the error stops when I record in 720p. I think that's the problem and I'm just stupid for making this post. Also sorry for the long post...
  8. noejajy

    Question / Help (Solved) OBS absolutely will not open

    So apparently OBS refuses to load no matter how many times I try to install and uninstall it. Every time I attempt to open it it brings up a message saying something like my GPU isnt supported or I should try updating my driver, even though I was able to open OBS yesterday and I have already...
  9. M

    Bug Report ERROR Message - An unspecified error occurred while recording

    Hello, Once, out of 3-4 times, I press record (my shortcut button to record, which has always been assigned to) and I immediately get this message "An unspecified error occurred while recording" and my recording stops. OBS only records for less than a second. OBS stays open when this message...
  10. P

    Question / Help Starting The Output Failed. Please Check The Log For Details. I NEED HELP!

    Recently, I've been trying to stream and record myself making beats via OBS Studio on Twitch and for the most part it was working. I've recently taken an interest in streaming/recording video game game play, but it isn't going that great for me. Every time I try to stream or record with my...
  11. B

    Question / Help OBS will crash after pressing 'start recording'

    All relevant drivers are up to date I checked today here is a screenshot of the error message: http://prntscr.com/mxzm6z crash log: https://pastebin.com/g31x9zjm last log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/YhB-Xt1v3uZVBY9p The problem started about a day after I changed some of the output...
  12. F

    Bug Report Failed to Connect: Stream Key/Server Error

    Hello! I have been streaming on Twitch using OBS for the past few months. Everything has been great! Suddenly, today I go to start my stream and this error message pops up "Failed to connect. Could not access the specified channel or stream key, please double-check your stream key. If it is...
  13. StrikeFall Studios

    Question / Help OBS - Exported footages are Choppy.

    Hi, I'm StrikeFall Studios and I'm here to ask for some help/advice with my OBS system. Recently OBS has been acting very oddly when exporting videos as it now takes a little longer than normal to finish "stopping recording" and when it's done the video itself runs like 5 to 10 frames a second...
  14. F

    Question / Help Cannot stream and record at same time due to error...

    Whenever I'm streaming and try to record, I get this error: "Starting the output failed. Please check log for details. Note: If you are using the NVENC or AMD encoders make sure your drivers are up to date" Funny thing is, I can't use the NVENC or AMD encoders, so what gives? I was able to...
  15. A

    Question / Help Obs Studio Freezes the Video.

    Help, when I record videos with OBS Studio, the game I record is fine but the video is frozen to one image but the audio is still playing. I use X264 as my encoder in advanced settings in output and I tried using QuickSync H.264 and it makes my videos have lines and glitches throughout the...
  16. R

    Question / Help Obs Failed to Connect to Server (Youtube Streamer)

    I cant stream on obs studio anymore this error keeps on showing up, I tried to install and uninstall, reset router and computer, watch all the guides from binding IP and stuff, also disabling IPv6 but still nothing really works. Attached is my log, pls kindly help me, if you know what to do. I...