color correction

  1. C

    Value adjustment or LUT?

    Im looking for a way to change values (shadows, midtones, highlights) for a source. Im used to photo editing and these tools are usually available in those programs. Ive asked google, reddit, chatGPT this question for OBS and they just redirect me to LUTs. My question is, can I use the LUT...
  2. Liam.C

    OBS Lua AgXc: display rendering transform for camera sources 1.3.0

    Implementation of AgX for OBS as a script. This is mainly intended to be applied on live camera feeds as this would not have many benefits applied on desktop capture. What is AgX ? AgX is a display rendering transform (DRT) with the goal of improving image formation. It is suitable to convert...
  3. L


    I’m having problems with how my OBS records colors, I’m not sure if this is for all recorders but, I’ve changed my nvidia colors and all that to make my monitor look vibrant, but for some reason when I upload a video to YouTube it will come out as what the default color of my monitor used to be...
  4. khaver

    OBS Lua Color Curves 1.2

    This Lua script adds a Color Curves filter for color correction by adjusting red, green and blue curves. Load the script into OBS. Add a Color Curves filter to a source. Check the Graph checkbox to see the RGB adjustment curves. The High Point, Mid Point and Shadow Point sliders move the...
  5. khaver

    OBS Lua 3 Axis Color Correction 1.1

    A Lua script that adds a color correction effect filter. Adjust color levels between red<>cyan, green<>magenta, and blue<>yellow, corresponding to the 3 axes of a vectorscope. Another slider adjusts the luma level. Used for matching colors of different cameras. Copy filter-3axiscolor.lua to...
  6. norihiro

    Color Monitor 0.8.2

    Features This plugin provides three sources to monitor color balances; vectorscope, waveform, and histogram. These tools are useful especially for streaming with multiple cameras. Color conditions can be checked real time and you can adjust your color correction settings from these monitors...
  7. davkaz

    Efffect Filters in Transitions

    Hey guys, I made a pack with 20 stinger transitions for my community (I am teaching how to use OBS), I did all the transitions in red color. Is it possible to add Hue/Saturation (with Effect Filter - Color Correction - Hue Shift) to the stinger transitions? My idea was that people who...
  8. H

    Question / Help OBS capture is discolored - negative colors

    Hey there, I set up my Razer Ripsaw today and installed OBS to stream Nintendo Switch games - seems to be working, except the color in the OBS capture seems to be off - looks like negative colors, everything is pink! I can't quite find in the settings what may be causing this. See screenshot of...
  9. N

    Bug Report Inaccurate Color Filter and Missing Alpha

    I noticed that when using the color correction filter, specifically when selecting specific colors, that I sometimes get different colors than entered. I've tried starting with white sources and even adding two filters. I also noticed that the hex color will get converted to hex with alpha, is...
  10. T

    Question / Help Color's Alpha in the Color Correction filter doesn't work for me

    Hi, I'm trying to apply a color in the Color Correction filter on a Capture Device source, however, changing the alpha when choosing the color doesn't do anything ; I can put the alpha to 50 for example, click Ok, but for some reason, even though the color change applied, the alpha is still...
  11. S

    Question / Help Major color and brightness issues for recorded videos

    Hey folks! I've been having an issue with obs for bit, where the colors and brightness of the recorded video are way off from what's actually seen on the program being recorded, or on the preview of the recording that can be found on the obs software. While the issue is subtle in some games and...