
  1. Xaymar

    Non-OBS Script Twitch Chat Style/CSS - Simply Planks 2025.01.24

    Simply Planks is a Twitch Chat popout "Custom CSS" which, as the name implies, turns the popout chat into planks with text on them. Really, there isn't that much to it - it's a short bit of CSS styling for those that don't like third party services. Installation / Usage Add / Edit a Chat...
  2. 700hours

    Free Tron Bonne 1.0.1

    THE CURRENT VERSION (v1.0.1) Does not come prepackaged with a satisfactory set of plugins--just two demos for testing and proofs. They'd have to all be written currently by a programmer custom to the needs. Comes with two plugins as of July 25th Twitch Chat IRC Provides a graphical overlay or...
  3. M

    OBS crashing when I detach the live chat dock

    Yesterday when all of this happened. I wanted to detach the chat, and obs freezes, and error message saying that obs has crashed I attached a crash report from this morning thx for help
  4. U

    wired double moire effects/ obs ist total am spinnen und hört nicht auf gewisse texte zu verdoppeln/moire ähnlichkeit

    I try it first in english , i hope you will understand me because iam from germany so english is my thrid language :) At First you can watch the video clip to understand my problem .... this effects come from nowhere i never change something and this happens from then to now. I have try to...
  5. KrisEnigma

    Trouble Integrating BTTV Emotes in Custom Twitch Chat Widget

    So, I know how to set up BTTV in the regular Twitch chat widget, but now, I'm trying to get it working in a custom dock I made for Twitch chat, and it's giving me a bit of trouble. When I go into Settings and pick Twitch as my Stream Service, there's an option to enable BTTV emotes in chat. But...
  6. MadDragon Live Chat (No Plugins/Install)

    Hi there all! I used to use some plugins (then KappaChat because it was easier) to show my Twitch chat on streams with OBS, but I've since moved to Rumble with friends. There's pretty much nothing here about Rumble so I've had to build my own follower notifications/sound board for users, etc...
  7. ThoughtShift

    My Twitch chat isn't showing up on OBS anymore.

    My chat source completely stopped working one day and I haven't been able to get it fixed. I tried unchecking Enable Browser Source Hardware Acceleration as this helped before but that also hasn't fixed it this time around. I checked to make sure the link was correct and I'm logged into Twitch...
  8. MiiRiiCo

    Free Chat Designer for Twitch 3.0.2

    Chat Designer for Twitch ...lets you create a custom overlay chat for your Twitch channel. It provides the following features and many more: Multistream support Add multiple Twitch channels to the same overlay chat. (But please ask the channel owners for their permissions ) Filter out...
  9. B


    Hello Friends, i got a problem with my youtube chat ( dock ) in obs studio. normally if you start your stream, you can see the chat in obs. but since few days the chat can not connection to the chat. Chat in the Stream is normalwithout Problems, but the chat in obs isnt working. i tried my best...
  10. M

    Twitter Chat help

    Hello! So Recently i discovered you can live stream on twitter. only downfall is i cant see chat anywhere. when i looked up how to see chat it says you can only see it on mobile, but when i try watching form my phone i had my mods type in chat and i couldn't see anything didn't work...
  11. D

    El chat no se muestra sino hasta después de 1 hora o 2 con el OBS abierto

    Mi problema actual es que al actualizar OBS a la ultima versión 28.1.2 el chat dejó de mostrarse cuando abro OBS, aun cuando estoy mostrando la fuente... El problema no es la pagina donde uso mi chat pues como se muestra en la imagen si lo pruebo desde el navegador esta se muestra sin problemas...
  12. M

    my @ username in obs 27.2.4 doesnt work

    i stream on twitch - and up till today, when i typed into my chatbox on obs, i would (For example) type hello @ and the first character of the users name, and a list of users with that first letter would appear - now i have to type the entire name - no suggestions are show - any advice ??? -
  13. B

    Connecting to Chat

    My stream chat is not connecting. Just has the loading circle continuously rotating. What can I do?
  14. H

    Way to have YouTube chat add levels to an on-screen queue?

    Hi there, huge noob here, trying to learn. Basically, what would I need to do to allow my YouTube chat to type !AAA-AAA-AAA (level code), and then have said codes show up in OBS in order as a sort of "up next" queue. Also I wouldn't want/need anything fancy, just plain text of the level codes...
  15. Z

    Problems to Stream games on steam

    Well, I stream the binding of isaac on twitch, but I'm not getting it anymore, I use OBS, and an app to see the chat called Twitch Chat Overlay, but when I open Isaac, the chat disappears, and in the live the game is paused, and it only continues after I open another app, or go to the desktop...
  16. J

    Is there a way to view the stream chat from OBS on a cellphone or another computer while livestreaming?

    This is a bit complicated but I'm using some site called melon to livestream on twitch & youtube at the same time. unfortantely melon does not have the ability to display chat from both sites while livestreaming with OBS and they told me i'd have to view the chat through OBS instead, BUT when...
  17. B

    Twitch chatwindow (obs)

    Hey ich bräuchte hilfe beim twitchchatfenster denn wenn ich rdr2 streame, seh ich das fenster nicht im vordergrund. blue
  18. H

    Monitoring Chat on Secondary Computer

    Is there a way to have OBS running on two computers? One computer would be sending the live stream to multiple platforms and the secondary computer would be used to monitor the chat coming in from the multiple platforms for responses and moderation.
  19. J

    Problema con Warzone y Obs

    Buenas, soy nuevo en esto y tengo una duda: Llevo un tiempecito (poco) haciendo Streaming pero me ha surgido una duda con un juego. Cuando pongo Warzone recibe la música del juego por parte de escritorio y demás pero graba todo en obs salvo la comunicación por CHAT con el equipo y las voces de...
  20. S

    How to see chat over game. Linux

    If anyone is interested, I just found a way to overlay the chat on top of your game when you're streaming so that you can see your chat on Linux. You just have to pop-out the chat and then right click the top of the window and select "Always on Top" Idk why I didn't think of this before. The...