audio settings

  1. E

    Help with Separate Volume Control for Mic and Desktop Audio in OBS

    Hello, I'm facing an issue where my mic volume is being routed to the same channel as the desktop audio in OBS. I want to control the mic volume and desktop audio separately. However, when I go to the Audio Settings, I can only select the Audio Interface, not the mic itself (see attached...
  2. V

    How to select audio inputs?

    I have been experiencing inconsistent operation with OBS and my MOTU M4 for months. In the past, OBS would only allow me to use inputs 1 and 2, inputs 3 and 4 were always completely disregarded by the application. There is no way to select any inputs, just which interface, and it would always...
  3. V

    How to select specific audio inputs in OBS with MOTU M4

    I am trying to record a video with OBS using 3 channels of audio into my MOTU M4. For some reason, OBS only lets me select the interface I want to use for audio input, but not which inputs on that interface. In the past when trying to use my M4 with OBS, I was only ever able to use inputs 1 and...
  4. V

    OBS sees input from MOTU M4 channel 1/2 only, not 3/4

    OBS receives audio from the M4s inputs 1 and 2 just fine, but not 3 or 4. I cannot find any relevant settings to change, everying OBS is just generic "M4" without specifying any inputs. Is OBS effectively hardwired to inputs 1/2? Everything is seeing signal except OBS it seems. Is there...
  5. S

    Unable to select a source device programatically

    I was trying to create a scene, add a source and select one of the device sources, not able to do it using device_id because mac doesn't have this concept of device_id, how can I do it, any alternative? attaching part of my code(python): import obsws_python as obs cl =...
  6. A

    No desktop audio

    I have been able to make it so that I can select 1 monitor to pick up the audio so that I can listen to music but OBS will not record it (only will pick up what is coming from that 1 monitor). However, I have moved my PC since then and now it will not record desktop audio. I have not changed any...
  7. S

    The ability to set a default option for "Audio Monitoring" in Advanced Audio Properties

    Currently, whenever you add a new source, the option for "Audio Monitoring" in Advanced Audio Properties is set to "Monitor Off." However, I use a program called voicemeeter, which gives me greater control of my sound, but the drawback to that is whenever I add a new source that is a local file...
  8. J

    Mic was once recognized, but now is only recognized when Spatial sound is activated...

    Ok, I've looked and looked and have found no answers to what could be going wrong here. Everything was working fine, then one day I start up OBS and my mic wasn't being recognized. The other audio was all being recognized though. I hadn't change any settings in either windows, OBS, or my...
  9. J

    Problem z Dodawaniem Urządzenia Audio i Mikrofonu w nowych scenach | Problem with Adding Audio Device and Mic in new scenes

    Witam. Mam problem z ustawieniem OBS. Gdy tworzę nową scenę automatycznie w mikserze dźwięku podstawia mi się Urządzenie Audio i Mikrofon choć ich nie dodałem do tej sceny. Jest to problematyczne gdyż chciał bym utworzyć scenę zaraz wracam na której nie będzie słychać dźwięków z systemu oraz z...
  10. M

    Audio input capture not working - Log file attached

    Trying to figure out what would cause OBS to lose audio signal from Audio Input Capture. I currently use an Apogee Duet audio interface to capture audio. Everything starts off fine but I completely lose the audio signal in obs and in turn, twitch, about 3 times on average over the course of a...
  11. G

    Give me a method how frequency band setting Please

    I want to output a frequency of 16KHz or more. but i have only 15.5KHz or less. So Please tell me how to output frequencies above 16KHz
  12. T

    Question / Help Gameplay Audio Asynchs after a while streaming. Facecam stays in synch.

    After a while streaming my gameplay audio asynchs itself and it gets worse the longer i stream. My facecam and mic audio stays synchron though and i cant find an answer anywhere to this. I tried severel different Options i tried fixing it live ob stream but it still happens. HELP PLSSS
  13. S

    Question / Help Sending live audio from studio one 4.5 to OBS 25

    Hello, I have searched the forums and I find no clarity, but I can’t imagine I would be the only one who has to deal with this problem. Let me explain what I want to do and what is happening to not allow that. I have a windows 10 PC which is running an i9 CPU with a 1080 GTX founders edition...
  14. A

    Question / Help Audio does not stream but does record - why?

    I am trying to use OBS to live stream meetings and while the video stream is fine there is no audio, other than an occasional click or sharp pitched squeak. The audio is coming from a public address amplifier, (several microphones and video playback from a laptop) using the amplifier's...
  15. J

    Question / Help Noob need help with audio setup

    I am streaming church services with two PTZ NDI cameras. The cameras and the computer are all on a single network. My primary audio source is our PA system connected to the PC through a USB port. However, I wanted to add an audience mic to catch the congregation signing along, instead of only...
  16. Freelyx

    Question / Help Streaming audio for game not coming through.

    Still pretty new to this stuff, so it could be me doing something wrong. I am live streaming to Twitch, then loading the videos to YouTube, my art (attempts) using photoshop, but also gameplay using Champions Online through steam with OBS. I've run through it several times with various...