YouTube Live likes, dislikes and views counter app (Windows)

Free YouTube Live likes, dislikes and views counter app (Windows) 2023-08-07

➡ Implemented an help desk, this will explain what every button does as well as how to use the resources inside OBS
➡️ Implemented ending texts for countdowns

➡️ Fixed the delay when accessing the configurator caused by loading all google fonts at the same time, introducing a dynamic loading feature
After a QA test, a lot of style issues were reported mostly on mobile devices. All of the addressed issues were fixed.

- Buttons on the homepage does not overflow the margins anymore
- Icons on the home page buttons were updated to fit the purpose
Here's a collection of some of the most popular gaming fonts. It's worth noting that some of them are already in our streaming tools app, while others are awaiting approval from their authors before being used on this platform. So, without further ado, here is my font selection.

1. LifeCraft

Lifecraft is the main font that appears in every World of Warcraft logo. It comes from one of the most successful MMORPG games ever developed. This is an excellent resource for streamers who enjoy this game.

2. Morpheus

The Morpheus typeface comes from the same most popular game World of Warcraft and Warcraft, and is utilized on the majority of the game's subtitles and descriptions.

3. Out Run

I couldn't discover the particular game where this font is used, but I can tell you that if you play Freefire or Cyberpunk, this one is excellent for overlays because it gives you the sensation.

4. HeadlineNO.45

This font was used in the logo for PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS, which is based on the most popular mobile shooter game, PUBG.

5. Urban Jungle

Another great typeface, this time from FREEFIRE, another popular mobile shooter game.

6. Minecraft fonts
Because there are so many fonts in Minecraft, I had to divide the list here. Minecraft is a popular building game in which you may create your own world, mine, fight, gather resources, and much more with only your imagination as a limit.

Minecraft CHMC

Minecraft Evening

Maincraft Ten

Updated to version v0.1.5 you can now promote your Youtube channel here has received a new upgrade. With this change, registered users can now promote their main YouTube channel on our homepage. All you have to do is activate the listing and provide an honest evaluation in your account panel, my profile. This will activate a button with your channel ID, allowing traffic from our website to be sent to your YouTube channel, perhaps increasing views and followers.

Updated to version v0.1.5 you can now promote your Youtube channel here

It's rather simple to set up, but there are some guidelines to follow. Please be courteous in your evaluations; I created this tool to assist registered users in gaining more visitors and subscribers. I don't want swear words in testimonials because they'll be displayed on the home page, which could damage the content submitted to Google for indexing. If users disobey this restriction, I reserve the right to prevent them from utilizing this feature.

Other updates

➡️ Fixed an issue that prevented the invisible ReCaptcha from rendering, leaving raffle invites difficult to complete.

➡️ Added a supporters area and top donators, as I want to be upfront with the cash I receive from this project.

➡️ Deleted the cookie consent from source sites and removed them from google indexing since they are supposed to be only viewable through obs.

➡️ Fixed an issue where specific characters in the description of a raffle could cause the registration to fail.

➡️ Mobile side menus now have a close button, and the main page menu's width has been extended to 100%.

➡️ The main menu has been completely redesigned, including dropdowns for the most significant elements.

➡️ On the main page, a leap to top button has been added.

➡️ Links to the configurator have been added to the main navigation bar, so that if you are signed in but on the main page, you may navigate straight to a certain page within the configurator.

The giveaway system, a fully interactive raffle system that you can configure to meet your layout, is now available in STPlatform version v0.1.4. This release introduces a new livestreaming tool, the giveaway system.

It functions as a browser source with an added layer of security for use in your favorite OBS software. You can choose from a variety of options, and the settings are quite straightforward:

Options for the giveaway system:
  • ➡️ Choose the date when the invite link becomes active;
  • ➡️ Choose the date when the invites expire and the link becomes inactive;
  • ➡️ Choose the date when the winners are chosen
  • ➡️ Give your giveaway panel, which will be displayed inside your OBS source, a boundary radius.
  • ➡️ Choose a text for the spin button; instead of the default SPIN phrase, you can use something funnier.
  • ➡️ Choose a title for your giveaway; this title will appear on the invitation page.
  • ➡️ Create a description for your giveaway, which will appear on the invitation page.
  • ➡️ Create a reward description that will appear on the invitation page.
  • ➡️ Customize the look of your panel, button, winner line, and spinning window by changing the background.
  • ➡️ Change the font family and color