SRC-Link Plugin - The Remoting Solution for OBS

Semi-free SRC-Link Plugin - The Remoting Solution for OBS 0.7.4


  • New feature: Add display of client connection info to WebSocket Portal dock (Except password)
    This allows to grab WebSocket Portal's connection info without opening Control Panel.


  • New feature: Add functionality to redeem invitation code (Similar to the Control Panel) to Uplink dock
    Selecting blank receiver shows redeem button.
    This allows to redeem invitation code without opening Control Panel.


  • New feature: Add display of latest guest code to settings dialog.
    This allows to grab your guest code (only latest one) without opening Control Panel.


  • Improvement: Add guidance on important actions (start transmission, link to WebSocket Portal)
  • Improvement: Detection of encoder default settings (Inherit from profile's encoder settings)
  • Improvement: Uplink connection error display.


  • New feature: RTMP External Connection allows to broadcast external RTMP server each sources.
  • Improve Control Panel: Add output status transparency that show status and statistics chart on your receiver.
  • Improve Plugin UI: Add output statistics indicator to uplink dock.
  • Fix bug Control Panel: Couldn't register with free plan properly. Error "exceeded the capacity limit" caused by lack of data migrations for production environment.
No plugin update but we are hosting srtrelay server for quick start.

Add "" (port: 1337) to your receiver's External Relay Server.

* Max bitrate limited to 10Mbps



  • New feature: "WebSocket Portal for OBS (WS Portal)"

    This is an obs-websocket compatible server and allows remote control of OBS Studio through the Internet using obs-websocket clients. No open ports, tunneling or VPN is required.

    Full instruction here


  • Bugfix: Couldn't reconnect SRT when updated output properties with recording enabled. Also improve reconnectivity.

  • Add "Member Booster" paid subscription plan: Introduce "Member Booster" that raises the maximum number of receiver members, slots (and operation team's operators) as an addition to your base subscription plan. Also, multiple Member Boosters may be applied (up to 5 for Supporter plans).

    Subscription Plan Detail


  • New feature: Stream recording with Filename formatting/File auto splitting


  • New feature: Introduce "External Connection" that allows SRC-Link connects to external SRT servers such as vMix, SRT MiniServer, Nimble Streamer etc...

    External Connections are just SRT listener endpoints, SRC-Link Control Panel manages SRT connection info which guest's client receives.

    External Connections are displayed in under the receiver detail.
    Also your team operator who has staff roles can manage External Connections.


  • Improve: WebSocket authentication. Logout will occur when token is expired to eliminate infinite reconnecting.

  • Improve: Dock UI (Add status icon)


  • Bugfix: Media source didn't appear in uplink video srouce combo after source creation.

  • Bugfix: Couldn't select scene as uplink video source.

  • Improve security: Passphrase will be generated randomly every slot changes.

  • Updated subscription plan's features: We expand subscription plan's features below to improve convenience. (Your plan had been migrated with new features already)
    • Free plan:
      • Max # of Members / Receiver: 8 -> 12
      • Max Time of Continuous Receiving / Slot: 1 hour -> 2 hours
    • Supporter plan:
      • Max # of Members / Receiver: 16 -> 50
    • Standard plan:
      • Max # of Members / Receiver: 48 -> 150



  • Add: MacOS support with code signing (Read note below)
  • Add: Linux support (Read note below)
  • UI Improvement: Behavior of uplink source combo when removed some sources.
  • Bugfix: Crash on switching scene collection during output is active.

Note for MacOS​

  • Supported only OBS 30.2.3 or lower
    Currently OBS 31 is not supported due to crash on SRT failure issue

Note for Linux​

  • Supported only OBS 30.2.3 or lower
    Currently OBS 31 is not supported due to crash on SRT failure issue
  • You should install qt6-websockets separately.
  • We don't recommend using External Relay Server for downlink due to compatibility issue.
    Upon relay server connection failure, other SRT connections including SRC-Link will be destroyed too.

Important note for OBS 31​

OBS build-in NVENC encoder had been changed so you should re-configure video encoder properties.
Misconfigurations cause ffmpeg crash.


  • Add support for OBS 31
  • Improve stability of output reconnection since OBS 31
  • New feature: Introduce Operation Teams that allows to share receiver with another accounts.
    You can create Operation Teams in SRC-Link Control Panel settings menu and use guest code to invite staffs.
    FireShot Capture 1540 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

    You should assign team to receiver after created
    FireShot Capture 1541 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

    Once join operation team, the shared receivers are listed on SRC-Link downlink srouce properties in OBS Studio and can receive clean feed as same as receiver owner.

  • New feature: Add ability to specify SRT latency in receiver member settings.
    The centralized latency value overrides the OBS Studio setting.
    FireShot Capture 1538 - SRC-Link Control Panel -

  • Improve UX: Introduce "No receivers selected (Blank selection)" state for uplink receiver combo.

  • Bugfix: Various bug fixes.
SRC-Link Control Panel (Web)'s change list is here:


  • Bugfix: Downlink stability issue that possibly occur reconnection every 1 hour (even if paid plan)
We are happy to initially release

- Currently we are confirmed working on only Windows x64
- Linux / MacOS is coming later.