ScoreBoard for OBS on mac OS

Non-Free ScoreBoard for OBS on mac OS 1.15

- Added Extra timer Timer_Extra.txt for additional time counting (two time presets, for example for basketball)
- Items for clearing the list of entered command names and clearing all program parameters have been added to the program's main menu.


- Added additional score counter for each team
- Added increment settings for shot and score counters
- Added Yellow and Red cards for penalties (football for example).
- Fixed saving team names after editing.
- Increased the incrementer limit for goal control to 999 (can be changed in the settings).
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 08.56.09.png

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 08.55.43.png
Added sound settings for the end of the main timer and the end of penalties.
Added setting to display zero in minutes if the value is less than 10 (example: 1:25 or 01:25)
Fixed change in penalty timers in different timer modes
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When changing the main timer, existing penalties will change synchronously.
Can be disabled in settings.
Bug fixes and performance optimization
- Added hotkeys to remove the first penalty
- Fixed localization in the add penalty window
- Bug fixes and performance optimization
- Added a path string to the recorded files with the ability to copy the path or open the directory
Added shot/foul counter (any other statistic)

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