Phos theme

Phos theme 2018-02-20

Recent fixes. Adjusted to be compatible with the v28.0.0

Update is compatible with the v21.1.2 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • New elements that are unique to OBS v28.0.0 (contextual menu button, accessibility etc)
Recent fixes, redone logic and much more. Adjusted to be "a bit more" compatible with the upcoming v28.0.0

Update is compatible with the v21.1.2 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Disabled text invisibility (color was the same as the list's background, thus disabled text in the lists get disappeared... completely).

  • Internal logic for QFrame usage redone (the widgets that has inherited styling - the lists, labels etc, previously were re-styled individually. This behavior was changed, number of style overrides were reduced. Thus, compatibility with external plugins improved. More over, the QFrame widget itself has only decoration role in UI, but in recent versions of OBS it started to be used everywhere {as a helper object} and only because - "it easier to modify the UI with the Qt Creator this way (QFrame instead of the abstract QWidget)" (details - ). The later is no good, but anyway, with the new logic I simply added all additional frames decorations into the exclude list)
  • QPushButtons and QToolButtons can has icons (now, buttons "unknown" to the theme will show at least something. QPushButtons without the text is actually QToolButtons, but not in OBS... The theme of Phos don't like the push buttons with icons, by historical reasons:)

  • New elements to style the QDateTimeEdit (calendar and date/time set)
And some other minor changes and fixes. I hope that new logic will last longer.
I forgot to add the tool buttons drawings for the Scene Collection import dialog. Fixing...

Update is compatible with the v21.0.1 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Added drawing to the Add/Remove tool buttons of the Scene Collection Import dialog (no pictures were set for the buttons, so they were blank).
Workaround found for: "checkable menus was shifted to the right".

Update is compatible with v21.0.1 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Checkable menus alignment (QTBUG-90242. Checkable menus are shifted to the right).

Workaround was inspired by @Xaymar 's Ocean Blue theme for OBS:
Theme files adjusted to be compatible with v27.0.1

Update is compatible with v21.0.1 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Buttons size reduced a bit.
  • New control elements from v27.0.0 (checkboxes of groupboxes, missing files dialog toolbuttons etc.).

KNOWN bug:
Menus text is not aligned, in some places only (checkable menus are shifted to the right: QTBUG-90242).
phos dark theme QTBUG-90242.png
Theme files adjusted to be compatible with v26.0.2

Update is compatible with v21.0.1 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Size of the Sliders reduced to not exceed actual drawing (in Advanced Audio Properties dialog height of all elements was not equal).
  • T-Bar for the Studio Mode was increased.
  • New graphics elements from v26.0.0 (media controls).
O-o-ops, forgot to add one icon drawing. Fixing...

Update is compatible with v21.0.1 and up, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Added drawing to the Save Replay button.
Theme files adjusted to be compatible with v24.0.0

To update: download archive, unpack and replace all your old Phos theme files with newer ones.

  • Labels was remain bold in Stats if parameter counter at least once triggered warning/error state.
  • The position of the docked widgets close/float buttons now is not explicitly set (for compatibility with v23.1.0 and above, where close button is missing). Thus, it may look a bit different for different platforms.
  • The color contrast for the table's gird now increased (rows became more noticeable in Remux Recordings and Custom Browser Docks dialog windows).
  • New pictures/icons for Lock and Visibility controls etc. (previously it was not configurable)

And some other minor changes and fixes.
Theme files adjusted to be compatible with v23.0.0

To update: download archive, unpack and replace all your old Phos theme files with newer ones.

  • Scroll's handle at minimum moved faster than mouse (Scroll's margins adjusted)
  • Slider's handle had small clipping when drawn (Slider's margins now expanded)
  • Collapse/Expand icon for the Group of sources was incorrectly centered for high DPI displays (default font size for internal unused element now set)
  • Decoration of the Edit lines boxes in read-only state
  • Web link's colors
  • Scroll's handle minimum size increased (it was very small at minimum)
  • New ghraphic elements from v23.0.0 (About window, Remux dialog)
  • Preview background color. Now is about 70% grey, that is close to original (previously it was not configurable)

And some other minor changes.
Yeah, it was unexpected for me too. But the application's UI was changed right after the release candidate 1 issued.

Update is compatible with v21.0.1, so you can safely overwrite your Phos theme files right now.

  • Color background for error message under the Settings>Audio removed.
  • Resolution of the icons increased for the standalone dialog messages (scaled up UI improvements)

Some other minor changes.