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One of the limitations of a lot of Spotify "now playing" apps is that they rely on Spotify to not be minimized into the system tray. If it is, most of these apps are unable to read the window title and parse the artist and song name. This app tries to work around that issue. It also has support for Amazon Music.

  • System tray support
    The app automatically minimizes to the system tray. I'm not a big fan of having too many icons on my taskbar.

  • Configuration support
    The app attempts to read the Amazon and Spotify log files from your computer, and will try to detect them automatically. If it has trouble, though, you'll need to configure it yourself. Thankfully, you won't have to configure it via editing text files. The app has a built in settings panel for updating.

  • Formatting support
    • Add text before or after the artist name
    • Add text before or after the song name
    • Change the song divider
  • Up to 4 separate output files
    • One for the artist and song
    • One for the artist
    • One for the song
    • One that keeps a history of all songs played
  • No Spotify or Amazon Music logins required

  • Intuitive interface
Installation Instructions
  1. Download file
  2. Unzip the file to a directory.
  3. Run the setup.exe file

Configuration Instructions
  • Click on File --> Settings

  • General Settings Tab
    • Service Monitor Interval
      The time (in seconds) between attempts to detect the currently playing song. The default is 5.
  • Music Services Tab
    • Services
      • Select between either Spotify or Amazon Music using the radio buttons.
      • The app will attempt to detect the appropriate log file for whichever service has been selected.
      • If the button below the service you selected does not change with the path of the log file, you will have to point to the file yourself.
      • Click the button beneath the service that says "Set User Log Location".
      • For Spotify
        • The most common log location is:
          C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Spotify\Users\<YOUR SPOTIFY USERNAME>\context_player_state_restore
      • For Amazon Music
        • The most common log location is:
          C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Amazon Music\Logs\AmazonMusic.log
    • Text Manipulation
      • Artist/Song Divider
        The text that goes between the artist name and the song name.

      • Artist Pre-text
        The text that will be output just before the artist name.

      • Artist Post-Text
        The text that will be output just after the artist name.

      • Song Pre-Text
        The text that will be output just before the song name.

      • Song Post-Text
        The text that will be output just after the song name.
  • Output Files Tab
    • Current artist and song
      The location of the text file that will store the artist and song name together.

    • Current song
      The location of the text file that will store the song name.

    • Current artist
      The location of the text file that will store the artist name.

    • History
      The location of the text file that will store your song history.

    • Clear file when no song is playing
      The checkbox beneath each button. If checked, the text file will be emptied if no song is playing. Detection is slightly spotty, though, since the app is fairly good at figuring out the last song played, even if it's not still playing. Still working out the bug there.
First release
Last update
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