[Android] StreamControl - Remote for OBS Studio

Semi-free [Android] StreamControl - Remote for OBS Studio 2.0.0

(slightly modified from the Google Play Store listing)
This app allows you to remotely control OBS Studio from a computer within the network. This functionality prevents the need of tabbing out of your current application, such as a game, in order to make small changes to your broadcast.

In order to allow this functionality on the host-side, this app requires OBS Studio version 23.0 or above and the obs-websocket plugin version 4.6.0 or above to be installed on the computer you want to control. (Both are free, open source, and support Windows, Mac, and Linux!)
• Download OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/
• Download obs-websocket: https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket/releases

Features (as of the latest version):
  • Save and connect to different OBS Studio hosts
  • View status of stream and recording
  • Start/stop streaming and recording
  • Control replay buffer and save replays to computer's disk
  • View various stats, such as FPS, remaining disk space, and more
  • Change volume and toggle mute of audio sources
  • Switch between active scenes
  • Adjust transition and transition duration between scenes
  • Remove and change visibility of sources in scene
  • Realtime updates of all the aforementioned stuff
Planned Features:
  • More customizability
  • Reordering sources (currently broken on the current version of obs-websocket :()
  • Editing certain options of sources, such as text, web browser, filters, etc.
  • Changing stream options, such as stream key and URL
  • Tally mode
  • Deck mode, similarly to Elgato Stream Deck
Screenshots: (listed on Google Play)

DISCLAIMER: This app is an unofficial remote for OBS Studio. The obs-websocket plugin is used to communicate with OBS Studio on the host computer. Open Broadcaster Software and its logo, as well as obs-websocket, are licensed under the GPLv2 license (see https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/blob/master/COPYING and https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket/blob/4.x-current/LICENSE for more info).

NOTE: This app does include a banner ad at the bottom of the screen.
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