Trying to create a trigger


New Member
Hi there,

I'm a twitch streamer who is trying to develop his stream further and has stumbled upon an issue. For the most part internet is full of knowledge and there's always something I can read/learn about stuff I'm trying to create but this time I struggle to find something so I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with at least guiding how I can achieve the thing i'm trying to.

So, I've got lovely OBS filters that are assigned to a hotkey and ultimately set on my Elgato stream deck to be enabled with a press of a button. I was very happy to have multiple things run by just pressing a single button but now the more I've used it, the more I've realised that I use them when my Streamlabs alerts trigger.

Therefore it leaves me wondering - Is there a way, I can have this "button" triggered by the stream alerts?
I literally haven't found a single way on doing that and therefore I am hoping someone here has the technical knowledge to at least guide me towards a solution.

I am not afraid to experiment and learn new things and I don't expect anyone to do this for me, just need someone who has a larger brain than I do.

Thank you.