It was capable of that about 2 years ago. When I was working on another tool (TMSViewer) it had the twitch chat embedded in an HTML component (which is part of the AIR framework) and worked fine. The day I released TMSViewer (yes the exact same day) Twitch broke chat and it hasn't worked since, so I had to remove it :(.I completely agree with your stance on this...
However, wouldn't it be possible to embed the twitch chat? (not sure if Air is capable of that)
The main problem is Adobe AIR, which uses a modified webkit engine to render html. Unfortunately Adobe never bothered to keep the engine updated and it's therefor outdated and has problems displaying the latest and greatest (html5, etc..). Some things work, others don't, so it's hit and miss. And like with the Twitch chat, what once worked may not in the future.
So with TeeBoard I never even bothered trying.
Adobe is now - finally - looking into updating the WebKit engine or replacing it with something else (StageWebView), but this may take a while (if it happens at all).