I'm very happy to hear that this is going to be a thing. And yeah, it might be a little lazy to just hit pause and then resume rather than editing it later. However, here's what happens if you don't: you could wind up leaving for longer than you'd thought, and have a MASSIVE file to render, find the spot, cut out the spot, re-render mess up, undo, wait for it to do it's thing, repeat; also, it's much better to pause it right then and there than make a bunch of cuts, and not everyone edits, and as said before, the more times a video gets processed, the more chances the quality will drop. it's exponentially easier and faster to pause the recording than to edit. again, stuff comes up, hell, I've had a time when going out to dinner popped up right in the middle of a recording... Also, you'll get more support if you have the feature, I understand that it might not necessarily be the easiest thing in the world to do, but it'll be worth it. You'll have a larger pool of users and supporters, and OBS would grow faster. I just wish I knew how to program/the language/etc, I'd end up helping out myself. Anyway, still an awesome program, keep up the good work.