Sometimes notify shows incorrect info. It's not a critical issue. The main goal that you stream works fine:)Now Twitch can't connect at all...
EDIT: Ok, I checked Twitch Stream and it is online, but Restream shows OFFLINE...
What is the max bitrate i can stream to you?
I tested it now for 2 hours and had three Twitch disconnects... Hitbox, GamingLive and YouTube were stable...
@dimafedy I tested this service yesterday and it worked great. Personally i think your service could be the future. I hope it stays stable and the traffic will not be a problem, are you aiming to be bought by a big company like Amazon or Google? :)
No matter what, this is really awesome and it works, makes streaming a lot more easy.
Dont I need any extra bandwith by streaming to multiple streaming platforms? Or should I stream with higher bitrate to make sure it works? Thanks for this awesome service, as i said i think this is the future.
By the way, a good idea would be to allow FREE users to stream to 2 platforms at same time, but for premium more, just a idea, or something similar maybe.
Yeap. It's a web based service:)How I can download it? When I click Download Now it loads the restream logo...
EDIT: Oh, I got it^^ - you must choose "custom" streaming platform...
1. Youtube automation
2. Twitch title editing
- Channels adding
- Title editing
- Auto start/stop
3. Bugs fixing
I like to tool!
But only HitBox and Twitch works and sometimes some Frames drops (but the most of the time its fine)!
Ustream, Livestream, YouTube, GamingTV and Gaminglive doesn't work. They are still offline while Twitch and Hitbox are live.
Maby you can fix it with a Coffee :D
I used it for a few times now, and I must say - very easy to use for Multi-Platform-Streaming. Only one thing bugs me - when trying to stream to YouTube, you have to stop the "Live-Streaming" in YouTube manually. Everything else seems fine to me for now!
I test it with EU-primary and secondary but only HitBox and Twitch works.Hello,
We fixed a few things.
All services should works fine. If you stream on EU points you could have some issues only with Ustream. Also we are going to figure that out too.
Please, try and mail us your result.
Thank you for your support.
I test it with EU-primary and secondary but only HitBox and Twitch works.
uStream, Livestream, GamingTV and Gaminglive are still offline.
After a time, it shows the twitch Stream as offline but the Stream on Twitch is still online.
I Stream from Germany :)
Hi guys!I am having problems with my restream I cant stream to only twitch and youtube at once but no other site at all unless I stream one by one I posted a link to the image showing problem please get back to me with a fix. Please let me know what i can don to fix it
Hi, we will try to solve that.Hi there. I noticed something. When I start streaming on Livestream, hitbox and Twitch suddenly don't work.
If I have it off, all of my channels work.