Start in headless mode (--runinbackground no more available)


New Member
Hello community,

am intending to support OBS as an exxellent video-exporting tool for an Unity based animation-studio type of project because recording at realtime is required and (at least all free) Unity solutions are far too slow.

OBS shall be used externally to comply with its copyleft licence, meaning it would be controlled via CLI:

Have found this 7y old project that integrates OBS as well:
However I'd like to use a newer version of OBS and had to realize that it apparently is not possible to use "--runinbackground" as a parameter like that (anymore?).

Otherwise entirely automates controling it works great, especially thanks to portable mode where I can just modify the config ini files from Unity before launch.

Now I'm not 100% sure whether that OBS 18 packaged in that repository is pure OBS or modified to have that "headless mode".
There's no mentioning of that.

Anyone aware of a way to run current OBS without its UI showing?

Huge thanks in advance?