Knowledge Base > OBS Studio > Launch Parameters

Launch Parameters

OBS Studio supports the following launch parameters for automation and portable use

Parameter Description
--help, -h Get list of available parameters.
--version, -v Get OBS version.*
--startstreaming Automatically start streaming.
--startrecording Automatically start recording.
--startvirtualcam Automatically start virtual camera.
--startreplaybuffer Automatically start Replay Buffer.
--collection "name" Start with given scene collection.
--profile "name" Start with given profile.
--scene "name" Start with given scene.
--studio-mode Start with Studio Mode active.
--minimize-to-tray Start minimized to system tray.
--portable, -p Use portable mode.
--multi, -m Don't warn when launching multiple instances.
--always-on-top Start in 'always on top' mode.
--verbose Make log more verbose.
--unfiltered_log Disable log filter (do not suppress repeated lines).
--disable-updater Disable built-in updater (Windows/macOS only).
--allow-opengl Allow OpenGL renderer on Windows.
--only-bundled-plugins Launch with only built-in modules
--safe-mode Force OBS to start in safe mode, disabling all third-party plugins, scripts, and websockets.
--disable-shutdown-check Disables the unclean shutdown detection that would prompt a safe mode start
--disable-missing-files-check Disable the missing files dialog which can appear on startup

* = Not available on Windows

Setting Launch Parameters


Properties window for a shortcut

To create a shortcut using your custom Launch Parameters:

  1. create a copy of a shortcut to OBS Studio or select an existing one (from the Start menu, taskbar, etc.)
  2. right-click on the shortcut and click Properties
  3. add the launch parameters following the path to obs64.exe in the Target field (pictured left)

To launch OBS Studio via scheduled tasks or other automated means, make sure to also set a working directory ("Start in...") which must point to the folder where obs64.exe is located.


Automator workflow to launch OBS Studio in Studio Mode

To launch OBS Studio using your custom Launch Parameters:

  1. open Automator (located in the /Applications folder)
  2. create a new workflow or application
  3. click on the Utilities section on the left, then drag in a Run Shell Script action to the right side
  4. copy-paste the following text into the Run Shell Script action: open -a "OBS" --args, followed by a space
  5. add the launch parameters
  6. save the application to a location of your choice. You can then launch it from Spotlight or add it to the Dock

You can also copy-paste open -a "OBS" --args directly to a Terminal app.