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Soundboard Dock 1.1.1


cg2121 submitted a new resource:

Soundboard Dock - This is a soundboard plugin for OBS. You can play different sounds with just one click or hotkey.

Requires OBS 27.2.0 or newer, or it won't load.
  • Enable the Soundboard dock in the docks menu
  • Click the + icon in the lower left corner
  • Enter the name and browse for the desired audio file in the add sound dialog
  • To edit a sound, click the config button in the bottom left or click edit in the right click menu
  • Hotkeys can be setup for selecting each sound
  • Hotkeys for...

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New Member
works well. I was able to move all my sounds out of Lioran board. one issue. I always view my screen in Canvas view. when i hit SPACE to enlarge or decrease the screen - the last selected sound plays and the screen wont move. I need to remove the dock to make screen adjustments.


New Member
I just installed and started to test it...I love it...much better than any of the websites that have sound boards. My only requested would be the ability to sort the names via name


New Member
One other request, when switching between OBS Scene Collections can the sounds migrate also to the new scene collection or allow an export/import feature?


New Member
works great, im wondering if there is a way to mute the source via Advanced Scene Switcher. Id like this active to be not active on certain scenes.


New Member
It's a great plugin.
The only thing it misses are shortcut option and MIDI board implementation before becoming a proper soundboard.
Works great but sometimes the samples (wav files) won't play until I restart OBS. This bug is inconsistent and seems to happen at random. Anyone else having this issue?


New Member
Fantastic plugin. I am going to try to use this for our radio show livestream. Is there support for adding multiple files at a time? So far can only add one at a time. Sometimes our show has 30 audio clips.


New Member
This plug-in is great and I like it. Could you add the function of single loop and example table loop in the later stage?


New Member
@cg2121 This is a very great plugin that is useful as hell.

I use it in almost all my 'Streams' and it is very easy to use, even when into a scene you can also build your own soundboard in last versions of 'OBS', with this plugin it can be even easier.

Thanks you very much.

NOTE: You are credited as 'Plug-ins Creator' at the credits of my 'Streams' at the end of them. ;)


New Member
I Had this plug in working before but now i cant hear the sound when i play here is the log after i played sound file
Can ANYONE help on the matter PLEASE

21:14:39.105: [Media Source 'Soundboard']: settings:
21:14:39.105: input: D:/STREAM/Image Files/SOUNDS/fart.mp3
21:14:39.105: input_format: (null)
21:14:39.105: speed: 100
21:14:39.105: is_looping: no
21:14:39.105: is_linear_alpha: no
21:14:39.105: is_hw_decoding: no
21:14:39.105: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
21:14:39.105: restart_on_activate: yes
21:14:39.105: close_when_inactive: no
21:14:39.105: warning: Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
Hi, great plugin thanks.

Just updated OBS28 and latest Soundboard. Unfortunately it is causing OBS to crash on close.

I also notice that its dock position is not remembered but I guess this could be because OBS is crashing on close.

Attaching a couple of logs in case any use to you.


  • 2022-09-01_14-36-50.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 60
  • Crash 2022-09-01 14-36-37.txt
    115.9 KB · Views: 48
  • Crash 2022-09-01 14-44-37.txt
    128.7 KB · Views: 35
  • Crash 2022-09-01 14-50-57.txt
    116.1 KB · Views: 40