Set up OBS to not create stream description possible?


New Member
Hello together,

as I updated to the latest OBS Studio version, now each time I want to start a new stream on Youtube automatically a window pops up forcing me to create a video description.
-> I don't want that! I want to be able to create my planned stream as always through the youtube page and obs to use it, recognizing it through my correct stream key, as it always did before!

Now if I create one over the youtube platform and start a stream it still forces me to create a description for the stream a second time! And if I start the stream it streams to the created stream and to the mandatory created one at the same time costing double performance and creating two streams!
-> Why is that? Why can't it just ask to not create a stream description? It only asks to use one of the latest (and only the 5 newest or so are available for selection...) stream settings should be reused or a new created, but if I don't want to create anything and use just my youtube settings (where I can set up everything in a proper way and not only half of the settings in a bad way) I just cant!
-> Is there no option to completely turn that prompt off?

Please help me, as this new "feature" completely destroyes my usual stream workflow and doesn't allow me to set everything properly up if I need to use this prompt... Meaning a way worse searchability for my content and less income...