Question / Help Separate audio track issues


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first post.

So this is the problem: I cannot get my microphone and desktop audio to be recorded on different audio tracks. Actually I cannot seem to get different audio tracks period. I know with 100% certainty all my equipment is working, as I have no problem at all recording both on the same track, where audio from both the PC and mic are clearly working. However since I have a deep voice and my mic does not pick it up too well, I like to have my voice seperate to do a little post proccesing on it to make it more clear. However when I record with multiple channels, I do not get them when I watch the video in Adobe premiere, neither does the audio from track 2 play in the media players. I have tried (as suggested within the program) to record in MVK and them remux it to MP4. This did not fix it either.

Here are some screenshots of my settings:







Am I missing something abvious that none of the videos mentioned, or is there really something weird going on?