Scene collection crashing OBS :-(


New Member
I wish I'd never found it now :-(

I came across scene collections today and it's absolutely what I've been looking for however now I've lost everything I've done as trying to switch back to the first scene I created says :

There was a problem while changing scene collections and some sources could not be unloaded. This issue is typically caused by plugins that are not releasing resources properly. Please ensure that any plugins you are using are up to date.

OBS Studio will now exit to prevent any potential data corruption.

I then click on the OK button and the app quits!!

I have no way of getting back to my original scene now so have lost all my work. Is there any fix for this?




New Member
I had videos I needed to record so basically ended up having to delete everything OBS related on the computer. Wow! It saves a lot of stuff into a lot of different places! Glad I got them all!
Re-installed OBS and all seems to be back up and working again now so not going to mess again!
Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately you learned the hard way to fix the situation. Ways in the future to get around it:
Use time machine or Backup the collections folder.


New Member
Not great though :-(
I installed everything again totally from scratch and thought I'd try again. Scene collections still totally crash whenever you try to use them :-(

A real shame as they would come in seriously handy.