Question / Help rtsp-webcam connection gets lost every day


New Member
Hello everybody,

I use the OBS Studio to stream a live video of our webcam on Youtbube.

So far, this works very well.

I get the picture via the RTSP address of our WebCam over the network (everything connected via cabling and switch).
This also works perfectly.

Only the OBS Studio loses the connection to the camera pretty much once a day (I would estimate 20 to 24 hours after the start). The screen is then completely black.
I click on the source and then confirm with Okay the picture is back.

Does anyone have a tip for me on how to get this problem under control?

Thanks in advance.

Greetings Peter


  • 2020-03-04 12-40-24.txt
    15.9 KB · Views: 123


Active Member
The only reliable workaround I've seen for this issue is to use VLC instead of OBS as the RTSP client. OBS appears not to restart a dropped RTSP connection.


New Member
The only reliable workaround I've seen for this issue is to use VLC instead of OBS as the RTSP client. OBS appears not to restart a dropped RTSP connection.
Narcogen, can you point me in the direction of setting this up? I have issues with RTSP into OBS as well, mainly heavy pixelation. I can get RTSP from camera to VLC, but I'm not sure how to get that live stream from VLC to OBS.


New Member
VLC is a source type in OBS.
I see that, but I'm unclear on the properties once I click on VLC Video Source. Create new playlist I assume, and from there "Add path/url"? If so, that's where I get llost. I'm not sure what goes on after that.


Active Member
Add your RTSP source as an URL in VLC. Then add VLC as a source to OBS and choose the list your source is in.


New Member
We have found two ways that work for getting an RTSP camera stream into OBS Studio successfully. First is to use Game Display to capture the VLC Player screen. The other was to set the outputs in the VLC Player to NDI and then capture the video via an NDI source in OBS Studio.

Trying to do capture the video by inserting the RTSP URL as Media source resulted in screen tearing. Trying to use the RTSP URL as a VLC Video Source did not work either. The result was a blank screen.

Bottom line: The NDI option seems to work the best for our application.