Reset Scene Collection when starting up


New Member
I've got a little problem:
At our Church we startet to broadcast our Ministrys to YouTube by obs.
The problem is, that every Sunday there's a different person who operates obs. And when someone at one Sunday changes a scene, the one who's there the next week is very confused. Would it be possible to set obs to reset all these scenes to a specific "standard" when opening the software, or just every day or something like this?
I'm glad to get some responses.
Best regards from Switzerland


Active Member
Unfortunately there is not an option for that natively in OBS.
You could maintain a 'master' Scene Collection and just have users duplicate it when they start each day. Or copy it over using a script on a set schedule... or just make the startup shortcut for OBS point at a .BAT file instead, and make it copy the "master" SC into place before starting OBS each time from a backup location or subdirectory.
OBS SCs are stored in %appdata%\obs-studio\basic\scenes as a .JSON file with the SC name. Just copy the one you want to be the 'master' into a subdirectory, and copy/overwrite it into the directory above via batch script each time before OBS starts.