Question / Help Recording Encoder Overloard..Not Sure Why


New Member

So, been trying to solve my issue with recording cod mw @ 1080p60fps

I use advanced mode so please don't recommend me to use simple mode

My System Specs

CPU - ryzen 7 2700
GPU - rtx 2060

Settings #1 VBR - New NVENC 1080p/60fps

I'm using MKV and it remuxes to MP4 once recording stops

- 2 keyframe intervals
- Max Quality - High
- 40000 to 60000 bitrate
- Both boxed checked
- GPU 0
- B-frames 2

Results - Encoder Overload

Settings #2 CQP - New NVENC 1080p/60fps

I'm using MKV and it remuxes to MP4 once recording stops

- 2 keyframe intervals
- Max Quality - High
- CQP Level 15
- Both boxed checked
- GPU 0
- B-frames 2

Results - Encoder Overload

Now, i'm sure its not my system because my usage isn't even close to 100% on the gpu or cpu what could be the issue here
let me know

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