Recommendation on whether to upgrade CPU or GPU


New Member
My PC specs can't keep up when I play Valorant on my 240Hz monitor, and I only get 160–200 FPS when recording 1080p at 120fps. Spotify and Discord are the applications I keep running in the background.
I think my recording settings are fine the way they are because I prefer the outputs not to take up too much disk space, but please let me know if you think I need to change anything in the recording settings. With that being said, I was wondering if I should upgrade my CPU to an i9-13900k or i9-14900k to gain more FPS, or if I should go all in on the GPU and upgrade to the RTX 40 series because I'm using the NVENC encoder?



Active Member
What happens if you cap it at 60fps? No one can see that fast anyway. You're not reacting anymore, while playing the game; you're anticipating.


Active Member
"My PC specs can't keep up when I play Valorant on my 240Hz monitor, and I only get 160–200 FPS when recording 1080p at 120fps."

That's your GPU not being able to deliver the goods. Personally, I'd leave the CPU in play & stick a 4090 in there.