QSV encoders not available on Arc A750


Copying this from GitHub at the request of kkartaltepe

Operating System Info​

Ubuntu 22.04

OBS Studio Version​


OBS Studio Log URL​


Expected Behavior​

Settings>Output (Advanced)>Streaming/Recording>Video Encoder should contain an entry for QSV with all relevant codecs

Current Behavior​

Currently only x264, FFmpeg VAAPI (with relevant codecs), and AOM AV1 are available as encoder options

Anything else we should know?​

Kernel has been updated to Mainline 6.5.11, although "stock" kernel 6.2.0-37.38 behaved the same way
Mesa has been updated to latest available Kisak release (23.2.1), although "stock" Ubuntu Mesa version behaved the same way

This has been the behavior since installing Ubuntu fresh last week, on a newly-built system. I had suspicions that the a750's firmware was out of date, but even after updating the firmware (following step 4 from this Handbrake troubleshooting session), the QSV encoder engine did not become available.

Open to any and all suggestions to get this working, as the purpose of this machine was to have hardware AV1 encoding available. Note in the log file that qsv11.so is loading.