Plugins not working after being deleted then reinstalled

Hello, I have a strong problem and I don't know what to do about it.
Basically, I tried to install some cools plugins, some of them works, but others were not working or partially. I tried to uninstall Advanced Scene Switcher 1.23.1 because it was crashing when I was trying to set up Macros. I decided to go to a previous version available on Github (forgot which one). So I went to my plugin folder then delete the plugin file. After trying to reinstall the same plugin, it wasn't showing anymore in the Tools menu. At this moment, I decided to completely uninstall OBS and delete all plugins from plugin folder. It was a big mistake. After a clean reinstallation, OBS was working great. But no single plugin installed before wasn't showing. I tried to install a new one then uninstall it, then reinstall it. It was the same. What can I do about that ?

Here is the log file :