New Member

I have been streaming daily in 1440p for the past few months with minimal issues. Over the past month or so, I’ve noticed random bouts of frame drop that would slowly increase in percent until the stream started to buffer. A simple stop and start of the stream usually cleared it up. However, over the past few days, it’s gotten to the point where I can’t go five minutes into the stream without getting major fluctuating frames. I initially was on SLOBS but today switch everything over to OBS thinking that might be the problem. The problem has unfortunately continued.

My PC build consists of an i9 processor, RTX 4090, 100+ gigs of ram, and 12 terabytes of internal storage. My upload speed is 40mbps and it’s a dedicated line with the only thing connected to it being my PC. I have been streaming at 26k bitrate for months with no problems until recently. I have since lowered the bitrate to as low as 10k with it still fluctuating between 60-100% frame drop no matter what the bitrate is set at. I’ve tweaked every setting imaginable on OBS and made a custom stream ingest on YouTube.

My ISP just came to my house today to swap the lines from the box near the street to the house and replaced my router. Pulling 40+ mbps with the game and software up but will drop to as low as 10mbps when live. Swapped out the Ethernet cord as well both are cat 6.

PLEASE HELP!! I stream/content create full time and I have been unable to stream all week. I’m at a breaking point and need answers. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!


Active Member
Before you start streaming: Settings > Advanced > Network > Check the box for "Dynamically change bitrate...", [Apply], [OK]. This is only supported for RTMP. If still having issues, then


New Member
Before you start streaming: Settings > Advanced > Network > Check the box for "Dynamically change bitrate...", [Apply], [OK]. This is only supported for RTMP. If still having issues, then
Thanks I’ll give this a try. What would cause this issue to randomly start occurring? Have been in the green no issues for months now randomly experiencing some issues


Active Member
It is strictly a network issue. OBS doesn't drop frames when it's streaming to a RTMP server on the same computer. Log into that new router and turn off WiFi completely. Make sure that you're actually connected to your router at gigabit speeds. During/after a stream, go to Help > Log Files > View Current Log. If you see this, (ethernet, 100↓/100↑ mbps), then it's not.