Question / Help Odd Lagginess


New Member
Log File: (20 Seconds into the Video)

I've been having this really odd phenomenon happen causing glitching such as this in my video, and it also shows up in the preview during recording/not recording, even though on the primary program no such glitching happens. A similar glitch with audio issues and time skipping happens when using Shadowplay as well

What could be causing this weird phenomenon with my recordings?


Active Member
The only thing that really stands out with your audio is that you have a sample rate mismatch. Both your output and mic audio devices are 48000hz, and you have OBS set to 44100hz. Change this to 48000hz in the audio settings.

For the lagginess, run OBS as administrator, and turn off Psychovisual tuning in your encoder settings.

As a side note, do not record directly to .mp4. This container format requires closing metadata written at the end of recording, so if anything happens to interrupt the recording abruptly (such as a crash), then the entire recording will be corrupted. Record directly to .mkv or .flv instead. If you need .mp4 for editing purposes, then you can remux the recording afterward (either automatically via the advanced settings, or manually through the file menu).