New Member
Hello, when I try to record another clip after recording once, it just won't let me do it, I tried reinstalling OBS but the problem is still there; don't really know what it could be.
Thank you.Please look around the forum prior posting.
For instance here:
Record button does not work 2nd time without restart of OBS
Winodws10 environment I can make a recording once. After stop if I wan to new recording, pressing Start button does not work. Logs file dont have any entry of starting 2nd recording. Only way to start new recording is to exit from OBS, kill process using task manager and start OBS again. Using...obsproject.com
Or follow up here:
Restored Windows and having some issues
Since i reinstalled all my programs i have been having some issues related to keeping the OBS Stream on, funny part is that i never exported my config so had to spend some hours redoing them. Suddenly i have been suffering micro cuts of the net, already replaced my old UTP and tested for some...obsproject.com