Obs taking microphone as speaker


New Member
I use USB Headset (Fantech HG11). I don't understand the audio settings properly. in playback devices, if i choose the profile 'analog/digital stereo + mono input' I can use my mic and headphone. but if I choose 'mono input' or 'analog/digital output' I can use it only as a mic or a headphone.
so i chose digital stereo output + mono input. I can hear everything clear, other can hear me clear. That;s alright.
But while i use OBS for recording or streaming, desktop output does not take any computer sound, it takes my mic.

  1. mic muted physically : no voice + no desktop audio
  2. desktop audio + mic both enabled : hear me twice
  3. desktop audio enable, mic disable : hear me like as if I am in some network issue
  4. desktop audio disable, mic enable: hear me
os: Garuda Gaming (Kde plasma, Arch linux)
youtube: https://youtu.be/ARvJgR18R9I
last log (not necessary though) : https://obsproject.com/logs/TDCZ3XmDUI6eOyun
system info


New Member
I have a similar issue when using Pipewire. I have to repatch (using Helvum) the desktop output to one of the OBS destinations (bottom right), because for some reason OBS thinks it is totally awesome to use my mic input(top left) for everything. Sounds like you have the same issue (hearing that echo in your video)


New Member
I did verify that the fix @mray suggested allowed me to do fix it within Garuda. Just make sure you're running OBS concurrently with Helvum.

I'm honestly not sure if it's the Arch build for OBS or Arch's implementation of Pipewire, or a combination of the two that's causing this detection in OBS. But at the very least, until it's triaged and fixed by someone in the pipeline, there's a fix above.


New Member
@knightpp Can you also adjust the title to this to include Arch in the title and show there's a workaround?
I'm not the OP, so cannot modify title :)

Some details: Fedora Silverblue 35 uses Pipewire 0.3.40, tested in OBS flatpak version(works).
On arch with pipewire 0.3.40 and wireplumber, both flatpak and repo versions of OBS have that audio issue.


New Member
Yeah, looks like definitely an Arch issue then with how it's handling Pipewire.

But thankfully the above workaround exists to fix it with Helvum.

@Carrot_xi can you update the title to include Arch in the title and mention there's a workaround?


New Member
@mray is there a way to persist the pipewire config in helvum across boots? I rebooted and OBS was back to its old tricks again and I had to reset everything in helvum.


New Member
pipewire in Arch Linux repos has been updated to 0.3.41. The issue no longer occurs for me (tested in flatpak OBS)