OBS Settings and RTSP


New Member
This is a bit of a dual thing - I need some advice on the best quality settings for OBS. I have been using the Nvidia HVEC encoder simply because of name-recognition. However, since my streaming PC is quite powerful (i5 12600K CPU with GTX 1660ti GPU), i would like to run the optimum (ie best) settings i can for a 1k livestream to Youtube, with local recording and local RTSP Stream (via the plugin).

The context is a church-setup, streaming to Youtube, with the optional usecase of streaming on the local network.

So while setting up the stream, i encounteded some issues. The stream would not work on the NVIDIA encoders and, after some digging, i found someone who suggested using Quicksync. Did this and i have Video, but no audio. My audio settings are also limited to FFmpeg AAC, and i cannot change them.

So my question is:

Which setting (and subtweaks) are the best for 1k? Not "acceptable", but "Best". We have been blessed with a beast of a mcahine that is barely spinning up using my old settings (NVIDIA HVEC), and i would like to utilize it fully. I found a post on here that suggested that x264 is the best encoder? So i changed my settings to that. The RTSP Stream still works, still not streaming any audio.

At present my settings are:
Audio encoder: FFmpeg AAC
Video encoder: x264
Resolution: 1920x1080

Bitrate: 9000kbps CBR
CPU Preset: Ultrafast (just going on the assumption that fast = better?)
Profile: high
Tune: None

With these settings i am also trying to use RTSMP Server to stream to local network (more specifically, a smart TV running VLC in the kids area so that moms can also watch the sermon). But still no joy on the audio.

I dont know if it's related, but our audio on the livestream soiunds very.... tinny, as opposed to teh full, rich soundwe get on the pc via the M-Audio soundboard.

Any thoughts?