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OBS Lyrics 2.0.0


Ceradsky: I have done some additional work on your monitor page idea. Here is what the Lyrics Web Monitor Page looks like in a Browser Dock in OBS. Hopefully, this will help with what you were looking for. We are still testing this addition so some changes might still happen before any official release, but if you want to try it, it has shown to be stable so far and the code you see here is attached. Any feedback is welcome. D.C.
Lyrics Monitor.png


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How do you repeat one paragraph, for example the chorus?
Hi OBSisSoGenero,

Here is an example of Recording the chorus (refrain) after the first verse and replaying it after subsequent verses...

// *** How Great Thou Art
// 1st Verse
O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder,
consider all the worlds thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
thy power throughout the universe displayed.
// -- Chorus
#R[ Show and record chorus the first time
#L:4 Use four lines again
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee;
how great thou art, how great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee;
how great thou art, how great thou art!
#R] Stop recording chorus
// 2nd Verse
When through the woods and forest glades I wander,
and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze;
// -- Chorus
##R Replay chorus again
// 3rd Verse
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow in humble adoration,
and there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!
// -- Chorus
##R Replay chorus again


New Member
Ceradsky: I have done some additional work on your monitor page idea. Here is what the Lyrics Web Monitor Page looks like in a Browser Dock in OBS. Hopefully, this will help with what you were looking for. We are still testing this addition so some changes might still happen before any official release, but if you want to try it, it has shown to be stable so far and the code you see here is attached. Any feedback is welcome. D.C.
View attachment 73940

Im just wondering, how can I put the Lyrics Monitor using Custom Browser DOck


You just put the URL from the file location of Monitor.htm into a custom browser dock. One way is to go to where the lyrics are stored in files and open Monitor.htm with a browser then copy that location and paste it into OBS custom dock. I think the next official release is almost completed with the monitor window.


New Member
You just put the URL from the file location of Monitor.htm into a custom browser dock. One way is to go to where the lyrics are stored in files and open Monitor.htm with a browser then copy that location and paste it into OBS custom dock. I think the next official release is almost completed with the monitor window.

WOW. Thanks for the response. I do really love the support of the creators. I am looking forward on giving back something that I can afford to support you guys.

I'll look into that. This makes it more user friendly imo



You just put the URL from the file location of Monitor.htm into a custom browser dock. One way is to go to where the lyrics are stored in files and open Monitor.htm with a browser then copy that location and paste it into OBS custom dock. I think the next official release is almost completed with the monitor window.
Release complete, while there is a minor bug but that can come in next minor release


Hi guys, it's a great plugin for my service! I have one question about how to change the space between lines. Is there any way to change it? Also, I can't open the folder where lyrics are saved. Just the screen is blinking very short time like trying to do open.
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Hi guys, it's a great plugin for my service! I have one question about how to change the space between lines. Is there any way to change it? Also, I can't open the folder where lyrics are saved. Just the screen is blinking very short time like trying to do open.
Hey, yes, all the formatting is done through OBS, but I don't think OBS has a line height option. Are you using a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer? And what version of OBS and of the plugin?


Hey, yes, all the formatting is done through OBS, but I don't think OBS has a line height option. Are you using a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer? And what version of OBS and of the plugin?
Thanks for your reply. Mine are Windows 10 and OBS 27.01..


Ceradsky: I have done some additional work on your monitor page idea. Here is what the Lyrics Web Monitor Page looks like in a Browser Dock in OBS. Hopefully, this will help with what you were looking for. We are still testing this addition so some changes might still happen before any official release, but if you want to try it, it has shown to be stable so far and the code you see here is attached. Any feedback is welcome. D.C.
View attachment 73940
WoW, this is exactly what I wanted from using your current version. Because I can't predict where I am and which verse is last to prevent moving next song. How can I use this dock system?


New Member
The refrain feature is tempting but I don't seem to be able to enforce display line counts in refrains. The "Lines to Display is set to 2 and "Strictly ensure number of lines" is also set. When the following refrain is displayed the second time, it is displayed as 4 lines.

To God be the glory, great things he hath done!
So loved he the world that he gave his Son,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son,
and give him the glory, great things he has done.
O perfect redemption the purchase of blood,
to every believer the promise of God;
Am I missing something? What should I be doing?


The refrain feature is tempting but I don't seem to be able to enforce display line counts in refrains. The "Lines to Display is set to 2 and "Strictly ensure number of lines" is also set. When the following refrain is displayed the second time, it is displayed as 4 lines.

To God be the glory, great things he hath done!
So loved he the world that he gave his Son,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear his voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father thru Jesus the Son,
and give him the glory, great things he has done.
O perfect redemption the purchase of blood,
to every believer the promise of God;
Am I missing something? What should I be doing?
No you are doing it correct. It is NOT doing it correct. It should have honored the #L:2 for both main and refrain. Does the first time through the refrain but not the repeat. Must be something with the latest update that had quite a few changes. It will be fixed by sometime tomorrow. Sorry...


iraytrace: Here is a corrected version that properly honors lines per page in Refains. These changes should be in the next official release after more testing. Let us know if you find anything else after these corrections.



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New Member
In previous versions of the script, when I got to the end of a song and clicked "Next Lyric" it would show a blank page before starting the next prepared song. This was nice as it served as a visual cue that the song was over. It seems that Version 1.5.1 moves directly to the start of the next song. I miss the old behavior.


New Member
Things I would like to suggest / point out.

The Markup section at the top uses too much vertical screen space. I would suggest making this a button that opens a web browser to a file or web url instead. I sympathize with the goal of making the information more available / accessible.

I notice if I add the Lyrics script, then add a text source to my scene, the lyrics script doesn't see it (offer it as a choice in the "Text Source field") until I re-start OBS. Having taught several people to use this script in OBS, it was a point of confusion for all of them.

Similar, but less troubling, if I put a text file in the Songs Folder, the script doesn't pick up that it is there (show in Song Directory) until the next restart.

Is there a way to turn off word wrap in the Song Lyrics text area? When trying to edit lyrics there people seem to expect line breaks on screen to match what they see in the Song Lyrics box. It is really hard to know where lines wrap without constantly resizing the Scripts window to check.

FWIW I am preparing training videos at the moment for upload to YouTube and use teaching in our church.


Things I would like to suggest / point out.

The Markup section at the top uses too much vertical screen space. I would suggest making this a button that opens a web browser to a file or web url instead. I sympathize with the goal of making the information more available / accessible.

I notice if I add the Lyrics script, then add a text source to my scene, the lyrics script doesn't see it (offer it as a choice in the "Text Source field") until I re-start OBS. Having taught several people to use this script in OBS, it was a point of confusion for all of them.

Similar, but less troubling, if I put a text file in the Songs Folder, the script doesn't pick up that it is there (show in Song Directory) until the next restart.

Is there a way to turn off word wrap in the Song Lyrics text area? When trying to edit lyrics there people seem to expect line breaks on screen to match what they see in the Song Lyrics box. It is really hard to know where lines wrap without constantly resizing the Scripts window to check.

FWIW I am preparing training videos at the moment for upload to YouTube and use teaching in our church.
Thanks for the feedback. OBS is pretty limited in how we can format UI objects. I had added a refresh sources button for adding text objects after the fact and just included refreshing the songs directory with the same button. Not sure OBS allows scripts much leeway in changing the operation of the edit windows either. We somewhat just get what we get. I also put back in the "blank" screen at the end of each song. You should see all of these changes in the attached Lua script if you want to help test it, all feedback is always welcome.



    13.3 KB · Views: 31



Here is another version that adds a button to edit the selected song with the default system editor for .txt or .enc files.
That is just Notepad on my PC. I don't own a Mac to test it with but assume someone will verify its function at some point.



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