The side effects are probably from not restarting after the new drivers were installed. the old video drivers need to be carefully removed. there is a utility that I trust to do this called DDU. After that, reboot and reinstall the drivers.It doesn't even seem my laptop gets very hot. My room is very hot so I opened the door to let in fresh air from outside just to be sure but OBS shows no difference. I've installed all the HP drivers but aside from some weird side effects nothing has changed. The weird side effects have nothing to do with the lag. They're things like OBS now saying I have two of the same Nvidia video cards even though it didn't before and a Microsoft video driver which apparently counts as a video card. Oh, nevermind. It now says I only have one Nvidia video card and nothing else. I'm starting to think OBS doesn't support my laptop.
temps need to be monitored with a program, not always by touch.