Bug Report OBS instantly quits in macOS Catalina Beta


New Member
Just installed the new macOS Catalina Beta.
OBS starts, shows the window for a split second before quitting.
I know its a beta, I'm not expecting everything to work. I just want to provide details so the developers can create a fix as quick as possible.
Log file attached


  • Log file.txt
    109.6 KB · Views: 186
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New Member
This is related to the new permissions in MacOS Beta


They need to update the request for camera and microphone access. Otherwise it will kill the app.

How did you reach this conclusion? The OBS app bundle Info.plist already includes the appropriate entries for camera and microphone access. This was made a requirement in macOS Mojave.

The issue you linked is also for an unrelated repo... in November of last year. How could that be relevant to macOS Catalina?


  • Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 4.19.42 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 4.19.42 PM.png
    57.2 KB · Views: 196


New Member
Anyway, found a workaround for this. Use terminal to run
, and it will work.

EDIT: at least this works on 23.2 RC1. Haven't tried it with 23.1
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New Member
Anyway, found a workaround for this. Use terminal to run
, and it will work.

EDIT: at least this works on 23.2 RC1. Haven't tried it with 23.1
Thank you so much for the workaround! This worked perfectly


New Member
Followed the Terminal method but now the OBS software will not recognize content on Display nor Window Capture.

Edit: seems like one needs to grant permissions When prompted to record screen and keystrokes to make it work. Still unstable since it crashes at times.
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New Member
I tried to start OBS with the Terminal in Beta 2 but not from signs of life

Below are the Terminal information


2019-07-24 19:01:43.779 obs[3225:123565] NSSoftLinking - The function 'SLSIsSuppressedByScreenTime' can't be found in the (null) framework.

info: Using preferred locale 'it-IT'

info: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz

info: CPU Speed: 2900MHz

info: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 4

info: Physical Memory: 16384MB Total

info: OS Name: Mac OS X (NSMACHOperatingSystem)

info: OS Version: Version 10.15 (Build 19A512f)

info: Kernel Version: 19.0.0

info: hotkeys-cocoa: Using layout 'com.apple.keylayout.Italian-Pro'

info: Portable mode: false

QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_advAudioProps_clicked()

QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_advAudioProps_destroyed()

QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_program_customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)

info: OBS 23.2.1 (mac)

info: ---------------------------------

info: ---------------------------------

info: audio settings reset:

samples per sec: 44100

speakers: 2

info: ---------------------------------

info: Initializing OpenGL...

info: Loading up OpenGL on adapter Intel Inc. Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine

info: OpenGL loaded successfully, version 4.1 INTEL-14.0.52, shading language 4.10

info: ---------------------------------

info: video settings reset:

base resolution: 1280x720

output resolution: 1280x720

downscale filter: Lanczos

fps: 30000/1001

format: NV12

YUV mode: 709/Full

info: NV12 texture support not available

info: Audio monitoring device:

name: Scarlett 2i2 USB

id: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Focusrite:Scarlett 2i2 USB:1a124100:1,2

info: ---------------------------------

warning: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.so'

error: os_dlopen(libpython3.6m.dylib->libpython3.6m.dylib): dlopen(libpython3.6m.dylib, 257): image not found

warning: [Python] Could not load library: libpython3.6m.dylib

Changed waitThread to realtime priority!

info: [VideoToolbox encoder]: Adding VideoToolbox H264 encoders

info: [obs-browser]: Version 2.4.0

info: VLC found, VLC video source enabled

warning: Ignoring old obs-browser.so version

info: ---------------------------------

info: Loaded Modules:

info: vlc-video.so

info: text-freetype2.so

info: rtmp-services.so

info: obs-x264.so

info: obs-vst.so

info: obs-transitions.so

info: obs-outputs.so

info: obs-filters.so

info: obs-ffmpeg.so

info: obs-browser.so

info: mac-vth264.so

info: mac-syphon.so

info: mac-decklink.so

info: mac-capture.so

info: mac-avcapture.so

info: linux-jack.so

info: image-source.so

info: frontend-tools.so

info: decklink-ouput-ui.so

info: coreaudio-encoder.so

info: ---------------------------------

info: ==== Startup complete ===============================================

info: All scene data cleared

info: ------------------------------------------------

info: coreaudio: failed to find device uid: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Focusrite:Scarlett 2i2 USB:1a124100:1,2, waiting for connection

Asked for all format descriptions...

Asked for format description...

info: Epocam: Selected device 'EpocCam'

info: Epocam: Using preset 1280x720

Asked for all format descriptions...

[setting] Setting kCMIODevicePropertyDeviceMaster to 3225

[setting] Setting kCMIOStreamPropertyFormatDescription

Got new format : 1280x720

Asked for all format descriptions...

Asked for format description...

zsh: segmentation fault /Applications/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS

I hope it can help solve the problem