
obs-hadowplay 2.0.3


New Member
EZ64cool submitted a new resource:

obs-hadowplay - Automatic replay activation in response to game-capture

In an attempt to move away from ShadowPlay and it's lack of customization, I thought I'd bring the useful functionality over to OBS.

Currently this includes automatic replay buffer start/stop based on a game capture within the active scene.

I'd love to add the functionality of moving replays into folders named after the game-capture subject, but currently this seems to be an impossabiltiy without changes to obs and it's plugins.

  • Initial release.
  • Automatic activation of...

Read more about this resource...


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Rubik's Cube

New Member
functionality of saving recordings into respecitive game folders not working?
Only Replay Buffer files will be saved into respecitive game folders.


New Member
Hi, I've decided to try and switch from Shadowplay to OBS and installed your plugin. It starts and stops buffer when I launch anything in fullscreen, but auto sorting doesn't seem to be working at all. And I don't have settings under tools submenu. What could be the issue?


New Member
Hi, I've decided to try and switch from Shadowplay to OBS and installed your plugin. It starts and stops buffer when I launch anything in fullscreen, but auto sorting doesn't seem to be working at all. And I don't have settings under tools submenu. What could be the issue?
Hiya, the tools menu is only available in version 1.1.4-beta (only in beta because I want to go back and re-write some stuff before making it official)
Let me know if that works for you :)


New Member
Hello i would like to keep the feature of automatically turning on the replay buffer, but would like to remove the automatic stopping feature, would this be possible? thanks


New Member
This is actually the type of plugin I was searching for, something that turn instant replay automatically on, made a notification when the hotkey is pressed and ESPECIALLY a plugin that sorts folders according to the game played when a replay is taken. I've seen that you can translate and I'd like to provide my french localization for the plugin just in case.

Thanks @EZ64cool!


New Member
EZ64cool updated obs-hadowplay with a new update entry:


Two bug fix patches that should make file organising more stable, I'm also on the lookout for any translation assistance that people can provide, big thanks to @josko for the first contribution.

2.0.2 - Fixed incorrect name being fetched due to incorrect paramter use
2.0.1 - Fix incorrect name being fetched when multiple windows of the same class existed

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
What Windows notification sender (if any) does this use? I have my notifications pretty locked down, and I'm not sure what I need to allow. Would also be nice if the clip renaming could happen with a Display Capture source, but that might not be a reasonable request.


New Member
Great plugin that i've been waiting for! I just finished the chinese translations for it, feel free to use them.


  • zh-CN.txt
    622 bytes · Views: 15
  • zh-TW.txt
    634 bytes · Views: 7


New Member
Greetings! May we have option to choose "active source" for recording via hadowplay? Cause I want to have empty game source in saved file without any layers from egular stream.