Bug Report OBS Game Capture not seeing UWP Games (Except One)


New Member
My issue is as follows; I streamed the entirety of Hellblade a few days ago without problem, though I decided to try and stream Ori and the Blind Forest today, and was met with some technical difficulties.
In the OBS Discord support chat, I was suggested the following, to ensure the correct privilages were being handled by OBS regarding UWP applications;

"Windows Store (UWP) games currently require extra permissions to be able to capture. If OBS is installed in the default (C:\Program Files (x86)) directory, these will be applied automatically. If you installed OBS to a custom location, you will need to add the ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES security group to the obs-studio folder. Follow these steps:
- Close OBS if it is already open
- Right click on the obs-studio program folder, select properties, then click on the Security tab.
- Under the Groups or user names section, click on Edit...
- Click add, then type in ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES. Select Check Names and it should underline to show it was typed.
- Click OK, then Apply, then OK, and finally OK again.
- Restart OBS and attempt to capture the game again "

Rough paste, TL;DR, I'd already done this in the past, and in the images below, I'd just checked off full access for OBS, to see if that would fix the issue.

I'm running OBS in Administrator mode.
Compatibility mode doesn't seem to change anything (So I've disabled it again, as it didn't change anything)
Multiple restarts.
Tests with other non UWP games, such as Sekrio have no issues.

I've not tried recently, but in the past, Sea of Theives had no issues either. A similar case to the only other game on this list currently, Hellblade.

I'm wondering if this is a "Me" issue, or if this should be classified as a bug report, and I know I don't have the log for it, but a game like Halo MCC is a pretty big title to not come up, especially with it's mutliplayer.

I just feel like I'm missing out on the ability to stream a large portion of my library due to this.

If anyone has any suggestions, or someone with a better understanding could assist, I would be forever indebted.

Thank you.

Here are some caps, and logs, showing the issues I'm facing.
All captures were taken with OBS's permissions set to Full, running in Administrator.

Ori and the Blind Forest:
Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/PUQWIwVIur3FKcuL

Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/Z8ZKXys7ZH9A061n


And finally...
Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/eDh5_wOI85-BsS-e
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New Member
I did it!!!
Mister36 said something about the log showing a hook issue, like the video was being seen, and falling off earlier today.
So, I was sitting here with the windows open, and noticed "Hook Rate"
I changed it to "Fastest" an viola!!

I hope this helps someone in the future!! Wow, it's been a long day.

Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/fjQF1fsN_qBFgDr7


New Member
Changing this thread's tag to Bug Report, now that I've resolved it ~ if this is actually a bug, and requires more logs, and testing, please, anyone who can iron this out for the future verions of OBS, feel free to DM me on the situation in Discord @ Zeo (The only one in the server TMK)


New Member
Disregard that last post... That is not what happened at all.

What actually happened was, and I'll take what I said in Discord as the quote:
"Never...Mind..? Apparently what the issue actually was, was the game being open before OBS. So, launching the game > Then OBS > Assigning the Capture > Closing the game > Reopening the game Is ultimately the format to use moving forward in regards to UWP games..? Hey, if it works, it works. Updating the thread to reflect that. I can't actually believe I didn't do this earlier. "

So, not having the source set up firsthand was the issue in the end.
Setting up the source, and restarting the game, seems to be what does the trick.
Why did it take so long for me to figure that out?
Also; The "Properties" Window must be closed in order for this to work. (Which was also one of my problems)


Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/VVD5aGVPWYkKjyee


New Member
Sorry to unintentionally bump this thread again, but I ran into some issues with the above mentioned situation I thought was the root problem.

So, it ended up borking on me again with the already defined source.

What fixed it, was not only the aforementioned workaround, but also re-tweaking the Hook Rate back to Fastest.

In the end, it was a mix of both a predefined scene, and hook rate.

Again, hope this help someone, but having actually figured it out more cohesively, and not just over the span of a single day, taking whatever fluke as the resolution, I feel as though both of these factors, in tandem are what solves this problem.


> Make sure the source is already captured (Game Capture > Specific Window > Select your game (And ignore that is is black-screen for now.)
> Set Hook Rate on the capture source to Fastest (Not sure if Fast show the same result, or not) [Bottom of the list in Properties]
> Save [Hit OK] (And Restart OBS, to be sure nothing is being phantom captured due to missed hooks)

I'm not exactly sure of the specifics on loading OBS first, vs loading the game first in this matter, but if all of the above steps are followed, you should have a better chance at getting your UWP game's capture to 'stick.'

To clarify:
Normal Hook Rate, was hit-or-miss. I restarted OBS a few times trying to get the problem child to capture (Ori and the Blind Forest) but no matter of restarting OBS and vice-versa game restarts were doing the trick. I flipped on Fastest Hook Rate, and like clockwork, it just worked.

Thanks for the platform to explain everything ~ and a big thanks to Mister in the Discord once again for pointing me in the right direction.