Question / Help OBS Bad Qualtiy

Trey Geboy

New Member
I have been trying to make videos using OBS software on windows 10 64-bit version. And I can't get a good let alone a decent quality, and whenever I watch you tube videos they look good. The video look good whenever I click on them in the original folder but when I open them in Microsoft Movie Maker 2013 they look terrible. So I do not know if it is just because I am previewing them in Movie maker and it will change whenever I upload them to you tube?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I am recording through the local recording option on OBS.


Led Foot


I am having the same problem. I record using OBS and when i go to edit the footage in M.M.M 2012 it has terrible quilty. The weird thing is this is the only recording software that has this problem. It might be because my crf is 9 and Microsoft movie maker can't handle that.I am not sure. Someone please help, i won't be able to continue my YouTube channel without it.

Thank you.

-Led Foot


Forum Moderator
Avidemux is perfectly safe, though I would avoid its SourceForge mirror on general principle and get it from FossHub instead.

Trey Geboy

New Member
Hey I figured it out it is just in the movie maker preview... since it is a preview it looks bad other. Once you save it and watch it, it's fine so don't worry about it.